AdGuard beta testing program
Fill the forms below to apply for participation
Has to be your real name
Enter your email address
Direct link to your GitHub/Forum account
You will need it to be able to report bugs
Select the platform you want to test AdGuard on. If you use multiple platforms, submit a separate application for each of them.
AdGuard for Windows
AdGuard for Android
AdGuard for iOS
AdGuard for Mac
Device(s) information
Enter relevant information about your device: OS version, device model (for Android), browser(s) and firewall(s) used, if any, etc. If you want to test AdGuard on multiple devices, submit a separate application for each of them.
Already have a beta key?
Enter it here if you are already have a beta license key and want to extend it
Tell about yourself
What are you good at and how can you help? Tell us about yourself and how are you going to participate in AdGuard testing. You can also leave any other additional information here.
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Terms and conditions
of AdGuard websites