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Taxation and Customs Union
  • News announcement
  • 20 December 2024
  • Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union
  • 1 min read

New Computerised Transit System (NCTS): The deployment of the phase 5 is on track

29 countries (Member States and other countries which are part of the Common Transit Convention) have deployed the new phase 5 of NCTS and in all countries the operations are running smoothly.

North-Macedonia (MK), and Greece (GR) have successfully started operations on Monday 13/01/2025. Andorra (AD), Belgium (BE), Hungary (HU), Malta (MT), Portugal (PT) and San Marino (SM) committed to be ready by 21/01/2025.

The legal deadline for the deployment by Member States (MSs), Common Transit Convention (CTC) contracting parties and economic operators to deploy and use NCTS5 is 2/12/2024. The delayed countries and the economic operators involved in transit operations in these countries are using the transitional period which runs until 21/01/2025 to finalize their new system. Besides the technical aspects, business adjustments also need to be made regarding data collection and submission to NCTS5. 

To present, more than 85% of the transit declarations and related messages are transmitted through this new system in compliance with the deadline. The remaining 15% should transition in the upcoming weeks in line with the national plans and transition strategies defined by each of the countries, and with the ultimate deadline of 21/01/2025. 

The transition and migration period also ends for the economic operators at the latest by 20/01/2025 for France (FR). 

In view of the final implementation stage of the NCTS5 on 21/01/2025, all Member States, CTC countries and economic operators should take the necessary measures for this upcoming event! 

NCTS-P5 Start of operation graph


The New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) is a Europe-wide digital system designed to provide better management and control of goods under Union and Common Transit. It involves all EU countries and Common Transit Convention (CTC) contracting parties. Based on transit declarations, NCTS processes safety and security data for entry and exit formalities. 


Publication date
20 December 2024
Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union