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Taxation and Customs Union
  • News announcement
  • 17 December 2024
  • Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union
  • 1 min read

TAX Administration EU summit (TADEUS) took place in Budapest

Heads of Tax Administrations discussed how to address common challenges

On 12-13 December 2024, the Tax Administration EU Summit (TADEUS) brought together Heads of tax administrations from across the European Union to discuss their complex challenges. The event, held in Budapest, was a testament to the collective commitment of EU tax administrations to work together. 

A Collective Commitment to Cooperation

In his video message, Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra emphasised the importance of collaboration and mutual trust among EU tax administrations. He highlighted the crucial role of tax administrations in implementing EU tax policy, closing tax gaps, and fighting tax fraud.

Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra during his welcome speech

A Call to Action for Efficient Tax Systems

In his welcome speech, Gerassimos Thomas, Director General for Taxation and Customs Union, emphasised the importance of efficient tax systems in supporting the prosperity of the European Union. He highlighted the strain on Europe's public finances and the need for effective tax revenue collection, stressing that tax administrations play a critical role in supporting the Union's budget and policies.

Gerassimos Thomas, Director General for Taxation and Customs Union during his opening address

Heads of EU Tax Administrations discussed key challenges and opportunities, from reducing tax gaps to monitoring results of the joint fight against tax fraud. Better using DAC data and stepping up the use of EUROFISC through a more streamlined approach in the short term were also on the agenda. Finally, they explored potential innovative digital approaches for optimising the implementation of Union legislation, how to best embrace Data Science and Artificial Intelligence for tax administration purposes, and collective ways to enhance their digital security.


The Tax Administration EU Summit (TADEUS) is a forum for the heads and deputy heads of EU countries’ tax administrations. Together with the Commission, they meet regularly to improve administrative cooperation within the EU and to meet common challenges. Tax administrations are key actors in implementing EU tax policy, especially in the field that the new Commissioner considers as a priority, such as closing the tax gaps and advancing the fight against tax fraud;

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Group photo of this year‘s participants


Publication date
17 December 2024
Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union