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Taxation of Multinational Businesses

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A Regulatory Tax Hike on U.S. Multinationals

While much of the policy focus has been on proposals embedded in the Build Back Better agenda, a meaningful tax hike for multinational companies has already been adopted.

1 min read
global minimum tax build back better revenue global minimum tax revenue and build back better act revenue potential domestic minimum tax

The Global Minimum Tax Changes the Game for Build Back Better Revenue

One goal for the Build Back Better Act has been to increase the amount of revenue the U.S. raises from U.S. companies at home or abroad. With the global minimum tax rules in play, it is likely that the expected gains to the U.S. Treasury from foreign profits of U.S. companies will diminish.

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Rushing Headlong into Formulary Apportionment

Complex tax policies that work well “in theory” can often have a hard time when the rubber meets the road. One instance of this is the challenge that the OECD has created for itself with the global tax deal, also fondly known as Pillar 1 and Pillar 2.

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10 Tax Reforms for Growth and Opportunity

By reducing the tax code’s current barriers to investment and saving and simplifying its complex rules, lawmakers would greatly enhance the ability of Americans to pursue new ideas, create more opportunities, and build financial security for themselves and their families.

40 min read
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What Do Global Minimum Tax Rules Mean for Corporate Tax Policies?

The new OECD global minimum tax rules are complex, and some countries may opt to put them in place on top of preexisting rules for taxing multinational companies. However, countries should also consider ways to reform their existing rules in response to the minimum tax.

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Book Minimum Tax versus Corporate Rate Increase: Pick Your Poison

While the book minimum tax is smaller in scale than the proposed original corporate rate increases, it would introduce more complexity, inefficiency, and problems at the industry- and sector-levels that a corporate rate increase would not. Neither option is an optimal way to raise new tax revenues.

4 min read
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How Do Build Back Better Taxes Affect 5G Competition?

One unintended consequence of the tax proposals in the Build Back Better Act is a higher potential burden on wireless spectrum investments, which could slow the build out of 5G technology as the U.S. races to compete with other countries—moving in the opposite direction of countries like China that are actively subsidizing 5G expansion.

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Which Industries Would the Tax Hikes Target?

Using Tax Foundation’s Multinational Tax Model, we estimate the effective tax rates on controlled foreign corporation (CFC) profits under current law and under each of the proposed plans for business tax hikes.

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How Heavily Taxed Are U.S. Multinationals?

In general, the effective tax rates on the foreign profits of U.S. multinationals are not that low relative to the U.S. tax rate, contrary to popular rhetoric.

7 min read
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Choose Your Own Adventure: Global Minimum Tax Edition

Over the course of the last year, it has become clear that Democratic lawmakers want to change U.S. international tax rules. However, as proposals have surfaced in recent weeks, there are clear divides among various proposals.

5 min read
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Reviewing Wyden’s Reconciliation Tax Policy Proposals

Congressional lawmakers are putting together a reconciliation bill to enact much of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda. Many lawmakers including Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR), however, want to make their own mark on the legislation.

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Section 250 deduction GILTI loss business profits and future tax liability business losses foreign tax credits

GILTI of Neglecting Losses

As lawmakers are reviewing international tax rules and determining what to change and update, they should pay attention to the way GILTI interacts with profitable and loss-making companies.

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