Forum Discussion

qazzzlyt's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 30, 2024

Formula VSTACK/HSTACK with blank array

I have a formula =VSTACK(a,b,c,d), while length of each array is not fixed.

Now, sometimes, let's say d is blank, or N/A. I want the result to be the stack of a+b+c.

One solution is to use a IFERROR(d,CHAR(160)), then use FILTER() to exclude the dummy character.

Is there a more elegant way?

  • As variant

         FilterRange, LAMBDA(rng,id,name,
           IFERROR( FILTER(rng, CHOOSECOLS(rng, id) = name ), "⚽" ) ),
         Combined,  VSTACK(
           FilterRange( A1:B1000, 1, "Bird" ),
           FilterRange( D1:E1000, 1, "Dog"  )
           NOT( ISNA( CHOOSECOLS(Combined, 2 ) ) ) )
  • At the moment the solution I have proposed is somewhat messy but I have attempted a solution because I also have use for varying the numbers of parameters and filtering out errors.

    =LAMBDA(a, b, [c], [d],
                stackϑ, VSTACK(THUNK(a), THUNK(b), THUNK(c), THUNK(d)),
                resultϑ, MAP(
                            FILTER(DROP(ϑ(), , 1), TAKE(ϑ(), , 1) = criterion)
                isValid, MAP(resultϑ, LAMBDA(ϑ, TYPE(ϑ()) <> 16)),
                EVALTHUNKARRλ(FILTER(resultϑ, isValid))
    )(Table1, Table2, Table3)(filterValue)

    The idea is to convert the list of parameters into an array of functions.  MAP accesses the functions one at a time, extracts the argument, and performs the calculation.  Ideally the calculation should be performed by a function the user provides as a parameter but I haven't persuaded that not to throw an error as yet!  The results are reassembled as an array of functions (thunks).  Each element of the array is checked for errors (TYPE=16) and, being an array, the errors can be filtered out.

    What comes next is even more obscure, but it uses a function EVALTHUNKARRλ that I have posted as a Gist on GitHub to expand the thunk array, so it can be used as a black box.



  • qazzzlyt's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Thank you all. See attached sample.

    I want to take Birds from Zoo A and Dogs from Zoo B.

    However, there is no Dog in Zoo B.

    Solution A does not work. One #CALC! will stop entire VSTACK()

    In solution B, I have to Filter() in separate cells first, then VSTACK() them.

    It seems there is no elegant way if I have more Zoos.

    • Detlef_Lewin's avatar
      Silver Contributor

      Another variant.



    • Harun24HR's avatar
      Bronze Contributor

      Utilize Is_Empty parameter of FILTER() function. Then filter non error strings.



    • As variant

           FilterRange, LAMBDA(rng,id,name,
             IFERROR( FILTER(rng, CHOOSECOLS(rng, id) = name ), "⚽" ) ),
           Combined,  VSTACK(
             FilterRange( A1:B1000, 1, "Bird" ),
             FilterRange( D1:E1000, 1, "Dog"  )
             NOT( ISNA( CHOOSECOLS(Combined, 2 ) ) ) )
      • qazzzlyt's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Thank you all.

        Seems we can't avoid something like ⚽ or CHAR(160).

        LAMBDA + LET looks like the best solution because duplication is avoided.

        I guess due to VSTACK grammar (array1, [array2], ...), the designer cannot find a place to accommodate a parameter to ignore error or blank value.

        Thank you again.

  • Harun24HR's avatar
    Bronze Contributor

    It would be helpful if you show us few of a sample data and desired output. You may attach an Excel workbook to your post or share via OneDrive or Google-Drive.

  • Try below:


        arrs, {a, b, c, d},
        validArrs, FILTER(arrs, NOT(ISNA(arrs))),


    • KherSheon's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      This one works well for me. I replaced errors with blanks.

      Just a probelm, Excel cannot return a true Blank. So I created a Name "BlankCharacter" and refer it to a truly blank cell.



      • SergeiBaklan's avatar

        KherSheon , sorry, I didn't catch what you try to do.  Excel doesn't work with blank as a value. Finally returning result to the grid you have zero or empty string.
