Forum Discussion

BobClements's avatar
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Mar 03, 2021

How to troubleshoot onboarding devices to the new Apps Admin Center

For the latest information regarding onboarding and inventory, visit: Onboarding Devices in the Microsoft 365 Apps Admin Center - Microsoft Tech Community   Hi everyone, the Microsoft 365 Apps Ra...
  • BobClements's avatar
    Mar 16, 2021

    Hi josephlamb


    Great question and attention to detail. This behavior is intended. The TAK should exist under the cloud key. If Serviceability Manager is unable to pull the TAK and write it to this location we fallback to the GPO key. This is why the script remediation writes to the GPO location. If you attempt to manually write the TAK to the cloud key it will be overwritten during the next checkin. TAK delivery will be receiving some fixes in a future release to address this.


    In addition, the baseline has been updated to address the TAK CI. The detection logic now properly checks both registry keys for the TAK. Previously it was only looking at the cloud key, resulting in the CI remaining non-compliant. 
