Forum Discussion
Graph CloneTeam // Async operations stays very very very long time "inProgress" since 2-3 days
you can clone a team via graph - which works well.
In the response you will get the async Operations Location header where you can check the status via
a new graph call.
Since 2-3 days we have seen that the status stays for a very very long time "inProgress" and the lastActionDateTime is not updated. Although the team is created perfectly
- Has anybody seen this behaviour before
- what to do .. any good workaround e.g. crawl the document library.
Many Greetings and thx
- vitorosaCopper Contributoreach time I open settings in windows 10 home I recive this message:
Pop-up de aplicação: msedge.exe - Imagem Inválida : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\111.0.1661.41\msedge_elf.dll não foi concebido para ser executado no Windows ou contém um erro. Experimente reinstalar o programa utilizando o suporte de dados de instalação original ou contacte o administrador de sistema ou o fornecedor de software para obter suporte. Estado do erro 0xc000000d.
Cna you help with this? - fheinickeCopper Contributor
We are seeing the same or a very similar issue in one of our customers tenant.
Beginning around the 1st of march, the clone operation that previously took around 20s started to continuously take multiple hours.
Most of the associated team and group structure seem to be present after the normal duration, but Teams Tabs often only get copied/provisioned after up to 4 hours.
What's interesting is that cloning a team using the Teams Web UI works flawlessly within the normal duration - but according to the network monitor that operation does not seem to use the normal Graph endpoint, but an internal one.