Forum Discussion
Assign same Windows 365 SKU license
- Nov 09, 2022
SandroFigueiredo Nothing happened from a provisioning perspective found this. I think you may need a diff SKU license. (Basic & Premium)
SandroFigueiredo Nothing happened from a provisioning perspective found this. I think you may need a diff SKU license. (Basic & Premium)
That is awesome askaresh.
This means that a user can have multiple Cloud PCs as per the example below - 2 different Windows 365 licenses SKUs. But, that same user cannot have 2 Cloud PCs with 2 of the same licenses SKUs, meaning that could not have 2 Cloud PCs with 2 assigned Windows 365 Enterprise 2 vCPU, 8 GB, 256 GB licenses assigned. That is interesting.
Any thoughts on why that specific scenario would not be possible?
Developers could need 2 or more Cloud PCs with the same HW specifications (meaning the same license assigned twice to the user) but a different OS to test applications.
- askareshNov 10, 2022Iron Contributor
SandroFigueiredo I would imagine the same, once you told me your use case it made sense.. Not to add to any confusion a contradicting statement I found in the Windows 365 FAQ. However, in practical it's not working.
- SandroFigueiredoNov 10, 2022Brass ContributorThank you for sharing as well as testing my scenario. Much appreciated.
- JakeStokerNov 18, 2022MicrosoftYour testing is correct, you can not assign two licenses of the same SKU to the same user, in order to have two Cloud PCs you would need two different SKUs.