7391 TopicsPeople picker SP2016 vs SP2019
I have a problem wit people picker in new 2019 environment. I have a custom code (which I am not able to change) which works in 2016, but not in 2019 people picker fields. It seems that picker field in 2019 does not have "Principal Type" property when I write the name of the user in the people picker. But it does have that property whenthe name of the group is written. So, in the first image (when SP group is in people picker), "PrincipatType" property is present in EntityData of people picker. In the second image (when user name is in people picker), property "PrincipalType" is missing and code breaks. In SP2016 both cases work fine. What is the problem here and is there a way to fix this (without changing custom code)?4Views0likes0CommentsGetting Started with the AI Dev Gallery
The AI Dev Gallery is a new open-source project designed to inspire and support developers in integrating on-device AI functionality into their Windows apps. It offers an intuitive UX for exploring and testing interactive AI samples powered by local models. Key features include: Quickly explore and download models from well-known sources on GitHub and HuggingFace. Test different models with interactive samples over 25 different scenarios, including text, image, audio, and video use cases. See all relevant code and library references for every sample. Switch between models that run on CPU and GPU depending on your device capabilities. Quickly get started with your own projects by exporting any sample to a fresh Visual Studio project that references the same model cache, preventing duplicate downloads. Part of the motivation behind the Gallery was exposing developers to the host of benefits that come with on-device AI. Some of these benefits include improved data security and privacy, increased control and parameterization, and no dependence on an internet connection or third-party cloud provider. Requirements Device Requirements Minimum OS Version: Windows 10, version 1809 (10.0; Build 17763) Architecture: x64, ARM64 Memory: At least 16 GB is recommended Disk Space: At least 20GB free space is recommended GPU: 8GB of VRAM is recommended for running samples on the GPU Visual Studio 2022 You will need Visual Studio 2022 with the Windows Application Development workload. Running the Gallery To run the gallery: Clone the repository: git clone Run the solution: .\AIDevGallery.sln HitF5 to build and run the Gallery Using the Gallery The AI Dev Gallery has can be navigated in two ways: The Samples View The Models View Navigating Samples In this view, samples are broken up into categories (Text, Code, Image, etc.) and then into more specific samples, like in the Translate Text pictured below: On clicking a sample, you will be prompted to choose a model to download if you haven’t run this sample before: Next to the model you can see the size of the model, whether it will run on CPU or GPU, and the associated license. Pick the model that makes the most sense for your machine. You can also download new models and change the model for a sample later from the sample view. Just click the model drop down at the top of the sample: The last thing you can do from the Sample pane is view the sample code and export the project to Visual Studio. Both buttons are found in the top right corner of the sample, and the code view will look like this: Navigating Models If you would rather navigate by models instead of samples, the Gallery also provides the model view: The model view contains a similar navigation menu on the right to navigate between models based on category. Clicking on a model will allow you to see a description of the model, the versions of it that are available to download, and the samples that use the model. Clicking on a sample will take back over to the samples view where you can see the model in action. Deleting and Managing Models If you need to clear up space or see download details for the models you are using, you can head over the Settings page to manage your downloads: From here, you can easily see every model you have downloaded and how much space on your drive they are taking up. You can clear your entire cache for a fresh start or delete individual models that you are no longer using. Any deleted model can be redownload through either the models or samples view. Next Steps for the Gallery The AI Dev Gallery is still a work in progress, and we plan on adding more samples, models, APIs, and features, and we are evaluating adding support for NPUs to take the experience even further If you have feedback, noticed a bug, or any ideas for features or samples, head over to the issue board and submit an issue. We also have a discussion board for any other topics relevant to the Gallery. The Gallery is an open-source project, and we would love contribution, feedback, and ideation! Happy modeling!How to stop SharePoint list custom column formatting affecting form display?
Hello, I am trying to apply custom formatting to a multi-select 'Choices' column in a SharePoint list. The custom formatting applies consistent capitalisation to choices, and joins them with a delimiter (required as just applying the style removes spaces between choice items). The custom formatting JSON is as below: { "$schema": "", "elmType": "div", "txtContent": "=join(@currentField,', ')", "style": { "text-transform": "capitalize" } } However, when I apply this style to the column through the JSON editor it affects the display of the corresponding field in the form, adding line breaks where they are not wanted, as below. I have tried adding "word-wrap": "nowrap" in the style element of the column format, which works to stop the new lines being added where they are not wanted but prevents logical new lines being added to show all selected elements. I've also tried variations of the "width" property in the style element to try and force the form to use all available space, but to no avail. Interestingly, this only affects 'edit' and 'view' forms (where you are interacting with an existing item) and is not affecting the 'new' form when creating new items. I have custom JSON formatting in the 'Head' section of the form itself, but nothing in the 'Body' or 'Footer' sections. I've tried removing the customisation in the 'Head' but this doesn't resolve the issue. If anyone has any solutions they can offer they would be very much appreciated.35Views0likes3CommentsInsert / Delete rows to table with locked cells (no-code solution)
Hello! I am looking for ideas that do not require code for a task involving locked cells in a table. It has to be no-code so it can run on Excel Online. (I have already implemented it in VBA & Script; Script is way too slow in Excel Online so it cannot be used). The task: the user has a table containing 5 columns. 3 of these column have to always be locked so the data cannot be changed. the remaining 2 are unlocked. Each time a new row is added, all the 5 columns are populated with data, but once the row is saved, only the remaining 2 column can be modified. The code solution: I have added 2 buttons that add or delete rows from the table while maintaining the existing cells in the table locked or unloked (based on the columns). Both solutions work perfectly in VBA and script. The new desired solution: Replicate the solution mentioned above without using any code. The sole reason is that the users access the file directly on the browser (VBA macros do not work on the browser & the script is too slow to load up - ex: it takes 5 minutes to add or remove a row from the table). I have added "Insert / delete rows to the sheet" command in the ribbon. Unfortunately, when I protect the sheet, the rows cannot be deleted from the table (due to the protection) or the data that is being added is placed in the wrong row. Any suggestions are welcomed! Best regards, Denis7Views0likes0CommentsDeeplink Navigation Issue in Published MS Teams Custom App on Mobile Devices (iOS & Android)
Description: We are experiencing an issue with navigation in our published MS Teams custom app. The app has a Tab with personal scope and a Bot. The problem arises for a few users (mostly on iOS devices) when they navigate to the Tab from the chat section of the Bot by clicking on a button that deeplinks to the Tab. Expected Behavior: The button click should trigger the deeplink and open the designated Tab and the specific page within the Tab in MS Teams app. Actual Behavior: iOS devices display an error message "Link not Supported. You can't open this link on the mobile app. Please open it on the desktop or web app." Android devices successfully open the Tab, but navigate to the default home page instead of the intended page within the Tab. Error Message: Details: The navigation works perfectly on the Desktop App and Web Browser. Sample Deeplink Used: letobj={ "params":paramsObj, "subdomain":subdomain, "pageRoute":"home" }; letsubEntityId={ "subEntityId":obj }; varencodedWebUrl=""; varencodedContext=encodeURI(JSON.stringify(subEntityId)); lettabUrl="""/agentTabId?webUrl=" +encodedWebUrl+"&label=entityLabel&context="+encodedContext; cardObj={ ... { title:'OpeninTab', type:'Action.OpenUrl', url:tabUrl, } ... } Request: We need assistance in resolving this issue to ensure smooth navigation for all users, especially on iOS devices. Additionally, we need guidance on ensuring that Android devices navigate to the correct page within the Tab rather than the default home page. Thank you for your support.368Views0likes4CommentsGraph API: Meeting Attendance Details Organizer and Participant Join/Leave Times
Hi Teams Developer Community, I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on fetching meeting attendance details, specifically the join and leave times of the organizer and participants, using the Microsoft Graph API. Could you please provide guidance on the following points: Endpoints to Use: What are the exact Graph API endpoints for obtaining meeting attendance details, including the join and leave times of all participants? Required Permissions: What permissions are necessary to access these attendance details? Are there any specific configurations needed in Azure AD? JSON Response Format: Below is the JSON format I am aiming to achieve. Could you confirm if this is correct and provide any additional fields or structures that might be useful? { "value": [ { "emailAddress": "abc", "totalAttendanceInSeconds":, "role": "Organizer", "identity": { "id": "", "displayName": ", "tenantId": }, "attendanceIntervals": [ { "joinDateTime": "2021-10-05T04:38:27.6027225Z", "leaveDateTime": "2021-10-05T04:43:49.7702391Z", "durationInSeconds": 322 } ] }, { "emailAddress": "abc", "totalAttendanceInSeconds": 314, "role": "Presenter", "identity": { "id": "57caaef9-5ed0-48d5-8862-e5abfa71b3e9", "displayName": "Lisa Adkins", "tenantId": null }, "attendanceIntervals": [ { "joinDateTime": "2021-10-04T23:13:43.3776519Z", "leaveDateTime": "2021-10-04T23:18:57.5639338Z", "durationInSeconds": 314 } ] } ] }39Views0likes3Commentscall details with devce info and participant join,leave time
i am working on teams integration project when i run grap api it does not show data for device and participant timing details graph api for extacting data for call including { "call_id": "004998be-da70-40f6-999a-3c84484c98b1", "start_date_time": "2024-12-17T11:53:14.9897859Z", "end_date_time": "2024-12-17T12:16:55.6045446Z", "participants": [ { "participant_name": "Surbhi Yadav", "join_time": "Unknown", "leave_time": "Unknown" },76Views0likes5Comments