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Re: Fetch Events of Sentinel incidents via Api
madmvx You can use IncidentRelation API to get entities associated with an incident (this is closest to getting evidence). Note this API is currently in preview. That's why we don't have documentation about it. However, you can view the API specs here: If you want to get evidence table, then using the Log Analytics, asshoandomentioned above. API: Fetch Azure Sentinel Incidents Via API
SocInABoxI don't think we can query the extended Properties for Sentinel incidents using Graph Security API, as it's dependent on the alert schema the API currently replies on. So the only way I'm aware of is calling the Azure Sentinel API. If you are interested in using some sample code (no developer/devops skills needed to run this) we've built to get these details from Sentinel incidents, the code should be available soon on Azure Sentinel/Tools/Sample Code repo. Or if you'd like to be an early tester, then please reach out to asigtp_at_microsoft_com, for a request, and I can provide more instructions on how to use the code to run it.13KViews0likes3CommentsRe: Fetch Azure Sentinel Incidents Via API
SocInABox, those fields that are not populated by Graph Security API is because they aren't part of the alert schema. The team is still working on enriching the alerts with more fields. If you'd like to get incidents with all the details, I suggest you try the Azure Sentinel API. You'll need to make a few calls to get to the level of details you need, but here is a post about it. Fetch Azure Sentinel Incidents Via API
PrashTechTalkWe recently released Azure Sentinel Management API that you can leverage to directly get all incidents and filter them based on a time range. This article has an overview of different Azure Sentinel APIs including this one. In terms of using KQL, you can now query your incidents directly using the KQL via the SecurityIncident table in your Azure Sentinel workspace. Hope that helps!13KViews0likes1CommentRe: ID of the Resource that generated the Secure Score Control
igventurelliCurrently there is no ResourceId property that is mapped to secureScoreControlProfile entity yet, and we are continuing looking into enriching the entity. Meanwhile, you can leverage the actionURL and other fields returned fromGet one SecureScoreControlProfie actionto view all related information about the control profile.869Views1like0CommentsRe: Graph Security API sandbox (subscription)
Hi isaacroitman,we currently don't have a developer sandbox for Graph Security API, but there's an alternative way. On ouralerts documentationpage, there are a list of alert providers. You can click on relevant providers to get trials and simulate alerts to set this up inyour ownenvironment. Let us know if you need any further help with that.1.6KViews0likes0CommentsRe: 403 Forbidden response when requesting Microsoft Security Graph API
anotherrohitThe repo has been archived and that is for Graph API, which may be different from Graph Security API. You can also check out our Graph Security API'sQuickstart samplesthat have authentication examples in C#, Python, Nodejs. Let us know if you still run into the issue.52KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Graph Explorer API to list all service principals in App registration is not working correctly
HIi Sagar_Lad,this techcommunity forum handles questions related to Graph Security API only. Please post your question on StackOverflow with tag Microsoft-Graph or in related techcommunity forum for Applications for better assistance. Thanks!732Views0likes1CommentRe: Subscriptions for Bookings
Hi timparsons,this techcommunity forum handles questions only related to Microsoft Graph Security API. Please post your question on StackOverflow with tag Microsoft-Graph or in related techcommunity forum for Bookings for better assistance. Thanks.1KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Unable to fetch profile photo
HiSnehalJ1509,this techcommunity forum handles questions related to Microsoft Graph Security API. If you are experiencing an issue related to MSAL or Azure Active Directory authentication, please post a question on StackOverflow with tag MSAL or Azure-Active-Directory, or related techcommunity forums for better assistance. Thanks.2.1KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Microsoft.SecurityInsights Api Documentation
Hi jojo_the_coder, by Security Insights API, are you referring toGraph Security API? If so, then please refer to thisdocumentation. Please note, the Graph Security API returns alerts, and the alerts are provided onboard Microsoft security providers such as MCAS, Azure Sentinel, Microsoft Defender ATP, etc. The alerts can be from an incident provided by Azure Sentinel. However, it doesn't surface the incident itself.3.3KViews1like0CommentsRe: Getting members of local admin group
Hineilcarden,this techcommunity forum handles responses to Microsoft Graph Security API related questions. For questions related to other Graph workloads, please submit the question on Stack Overflow and tag with Microsoft-Graph, or related techcommunity forum for your Graph workload. Thanks!1.1KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Retrieve MIP labels that have been assigned to O365 mail messages ?
Hi Storexltd, Microsoft Graph Security API usesa unified alert schema from onboarded security providers such as AIP (AIP is part of MIP) andaggregates responses from the multiple providers. Because of this reason, there are certain fields such as label from AIP won't appear exactly via the Graph Security API as in the provider's portal. If you are using Graph API and not Graph Security API, please submit your question to StackOverflow and tag with Microsoft-Graph orrelated techcommunity forum for Microsoft Graph API. Thanks.906Views0likes0CommentsRe: No funciona el cambio de usuario en el servicio de Power BI
Hi lvillara, can you please verify if you are using the Power BI connector for the Graph API or Graph Security API? This forum handles responses to Microsoft Graph Security API related questions. If you are trying to update the user information, I think you are using Graph API connector. Please submit your question to StackOverflow and tag with Microsoft-Graph orrelated techcommunity forum for Microsoft Graph API. Thanks.802Views0likes0CommentsRe: Fetch Azure Sentinel Incidents Via API
Hijojo_the_coder, currentavailable APIs to fetch incidents can be foundhere. To fetch alerts related to an incident without using Log Analytics API, you can do that via the Microsoft Graph Security API. Please refer to the documentationhere.Below is an example query to get all alerts provided by Azure Sentinel via the Graph Security API. A list of curated sample queries can be foundhere.$filter=vendorInformation/provider eq 'Azure Sentinel'.14KViews1like13Comments