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Re: How do I restore a Modern homepage that was deleted?
Niki FelkerI know your question was from 6 months ago, but I just had a similar problem, except that in my case a user had deleted the home page almost a year ago. I found that you can create a new blank modern page by appending "/_layouts/CreateSitePage.aspx" to the end of your site URL. e.g. That will let you create a blank modern page. If you want to create a page with the default modern home page layout, you can use the Pnp (Patterns and Practices) powershell module for Sharepoint with the following couple of lines: Connect-PnPOnline -Url "" Add-PnPClientSidePage -Name Home -LayoutType Home (of course you'll need to have the PnP SharePoint module installed for that to work) That will create a modern page named Home, with the Home layout, in the site pages library.20KViews1like3Comments