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Strange chraracters in the powershell command PS_GetOutputFile("netsh wlan show interfaces")
I´m creating a sub that lay out in a textbox of a form with strange chrs. my sub is as follow: Private Sub Form_Load() 'Redondear las esquinas del formulario Call UISetRoundRect(Me, 40, False) 'This sets an exact position using MoveSize if form´s parent is loaded, otherwiseccenter de form on screen If IsLoaded("frmDashBoard") Then DoCmd.MoveSize 15050, 2400 Else Call gfncCenterForm(Me) With Me 'Encabezado de la información de la red Wi-Fi If Not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then Me!lblInfo.Caption = "INFORMACIÓN " & Me.OpenArgs 'Cargar la información de la red Wi-Fi !txtInfo.Value = PS_GetOutputFile("netsh wlan show interfaces") '!lblTitle.Caption = PS_GetOutputClipBoard("(Get-NetConnectionProfile).Name") End With End Sub Public Function PS_GetOutputFile(ByVal sPSCmd As String, _ Optional sTxtFile As String = vbNullString, _ Optional bDelTxtFile As Boolean = True) As String 'If no Text file was specified create one in the Temp folder If sTxtFile = vbNullString Then sTxtFile = Environ$("temp") & "\PSTemp.txt" 'Build the basic PowerShell command sPSCmd = "powershell -command " & sPSCmd 'Add the Out-File so the output generates a text file sPSCmd = sPSCmd & " | Out-File '" & sTxtFile & "' -Encoding Default" 'Run the PowerShell command CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run sPSCmd, 0, True 'Retrieve the content of the generated Text file With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Read the contents of the text file into memory PS_GetOutputFile = .OpenTextFile(sTxtFile).ReadAll() 'Delete the text file if so desired If bDelTxtFile = True Then .DeleteFile sTxtFile End With End Function Public Function PS_GetOutputClipBoard(ByVal sPSCmd As String) As String 'Setup the powershell command properly sPSCmd = "powershell -command " & sPSCmd & "|clip" 'Execute the command which is being pushed to the clipboard CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run sPSCmd, 0, True 'Get an instance of the clipboard to capture the save value With CreateObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}") .GetFromClipboard PS_GetOutputClipBoard = .GetText(1) End With End Function the result was: Hay 1 interfaz en el sistema: Nombre : Wi-Fi Descripci+¦n : Realtek 8822CE Wireless LAN 802.11ac PCI-E NIC GUID : Direcci+¦n : Tipo de interfaz : Principal Estado : conectado SSID : Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G AP BSSID Banda : 2,4-áGHz Canal: 6 Tipo de red : Infraestructura Tipo de radio : 802.11n Autenticaci+¦n : WPA2-Personal Cifrado : CCMP Modo de conexi+¦n : Conexi+¦n autom+ítica Velocidad de recepci+¦n (Mbps) : 144.4 Velocidad de transmisi+¦n (Mbps) : 144.4 Se+¦al : 100% Perfil : Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G MSCS de QoS configurado: 0 Asignaci+¦n de QoS configurada: 0 Asignaci+¦n de QoS permitida por la directiva : 0 Estado de la red hospedada: No disponible this character +¦ it suposed to be a vocal with acent ´cause is in spanish language, also could be ñáéíóú Could someone help me please!! Thanks in advance.98Views0likes3Comments
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