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Re: How do I connect my computer to a printer wirelessly?
This is the forum for Microsoft Forms. But as your printer is a wifi printer, go into the settings and connect to your wifi and enter the password. You might need to re-boot your computer but it should now be able to see the printer as a choice for printing.17Views1like0Comments- 10Views0likes0Comments
Re: Retrieving a Form in draft
A user can edit a response after it has been submitted if this has been turned on in Settings. But there is no save as draft feature for responses in Microsoft Forms. You can vote for it at Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)6Views0likes0CommentsRe: SharePoint site news notifications in Microsoft Teams channel
With Power Automate you could build a flow that saves an adaptive card to a Teams channel with a news item published on SharePoint. The screenshots below are almost 5 years old now and I haven't done this particular flow recently as I moved company and role. I'm aware that the Post an adaptive card... action has changed but if you would like me to prepare an updated version let me know here and I'll post it up asap. This is the result in the Teams channel: Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User. Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)Re: Microsoft Forms - Branching question
No this isn't possible with Microsoft Forms. You can't assign different points depending on which option is chosen. I suppose you could do a very clunky workaround where you would create a quiz and have a question for each option, for example "Is the size of your audience between 1 and 100?" but that would be a horrible user experience. Branching is for when the user is answering the questions and is a route through the form/quiz. So if they select Option 1 it goes to a different section, Option 2 goes to another section and so on. Only once they have answered all the questions does the Submit button appear. Also, once the Submit button has been clicked it's not possible to then go to a different screen, the user just sees the thank you screen with or without a message which has to be entered by you when you create the form, it's not dynamic. So what are the options? 1. if your users are all internal then you could do this with a fairly simple app in Power Apps. I've built a quick demo of this and it's shown in the attached video. You can use a switch function to set the value of a variable based on the item selected. For example I've set the variable varIsland with the following (there are also variables for varAirline, varHotel and varDish). In the image above Martinique has been selected which has set varIsland to 30. Switch(cbIsland.Selected.Value, "Aruba",Set(varIsland,10), "Guadeloupe",Set(varIsland,20), "Martinique",Set(varIsland,30), "Turks and Caicos",Set(varIsland,40 ) ) Then set the variable of the overall score with varIsland+varAirline+varHotel+varDish. You can then have a Submit button which a) saves the items selected and the score to a SharePoint list and navigates to the next screen where there are several text fields for the feedback, the visibility of each one is determined by the score. the code for the visibility property (for a score of 80) would be If(Value(varScore) >=41 && Value(varScore) <=80, true, false) 2. If your users include external people then you could take the scores from the Microsoft Form, save the details to the SharePoint list. In your flow initialise an integer variable and add an increment variable action to add up the scores. Then, again, use a Switch action in the flow based on the total score to determine what text would go into an email to be sent to the submitter. I haven't built an example of this as I have a meeting in a few minutes, but can do so if you need it. My preferred option from these 2 is the app as it's cleaner and a better experience for the user. But it does depend where the users are. The app displays the score but this could be hidden so the user doesn't see it, but the functionality would still work. I hope that's useful but do come back with any questions. Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User. Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)0Views0likes0CommentsRe: Transfer form Ownership to another personal user
You can do this quite easily with a flow in Power Automate to send an email notification to whoever you want. Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User. Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)26Views0likes2CommentsRe: SharePoint Forced Comments
Yes, this is done with list validation. Go to your list settings and select Validation settings: My columns are called Choice and Comment. Add the following formula: =IF(OR(Choice="B",Choice="C",Choice="D"),IF(ISBLANK(Comment),FALSE,TRUE),TRUE) When A is selected it will save without needing a comment. And if B,C or D is selected and a comment is added it will save: But this is the error when B,C or D are selected and no comment has been added. Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User. Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)8Views1like0CommentsRe: Help require in Sharepoint for status change based on task completion date and Milestone level.
1. The first item is just a calculated column with the formula: =IF([Milestone Level]="11. Closed","Close","Open") 2 Your milestone column appears to be a choice column with 11 choices. SharePoint is not able to update this based on another column unless you use a calculated column, but then you wouldn't be able to select the other milestones. You'd need to do this with a flow in Power Automate. 3. A calculated column cannot be stopped from doing the calculation based on another column. Again a flow in Power Automate would be able to handle this. It would run once a day, you would initialize an integer variable, it would get all the items in the list and for each one would check if the status is closed. If it is then do nothing, otherwise in an increment variable action and set it to increment the by 1, then an update item action to update the aging column with the value in the variable. This same flow could also be used to set the value in the milestone column. Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User. Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)10Views0likes0CommentsRe: SharePoint List Rule to send email not allowing shared mailbox email address
If you haven't investigated it before, now might be a good chance to start learning Power Automate. The flow for sending an email when a new item is created is incredibly easy; the trigger is the SharePoint when a new item is created trigger. You select the site and the list. there is only 1 action which is the Office 365 Outlook send an email (v2) action. You could also use the Send an email from a shared mailbox (v2) action. You add the recipient, subject and email text and can select dynamic content from the trigger as I have done below where the song and artist added to the list is automatically entered into the email. Come back with any questions about this. Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User. Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)3Views0likes0CommentsRe: Sharepoint List - IF Statements
Your formula should be as follows: =IF([Days to Test] <0,"OUT OF TEST", IF(And([Days to Test]>0,[Days to Test]<=180),"CHECK TEST DATE", "CLEAR TO USE")) Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User. Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)22Views0likes0CommentsRe: SharePoint List - 3 way IF statement
Your formula should be as follows: =IF([Days to Test] <0,"OUT OF TEST", IF(And([Days to Test]>0,[Days to Test]<=180),"CHECK TEST DATE", "CLEAR TO USE")) Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User. Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)10Views0likes0CommentsRe: Hide the +Add Column from SharePoint Library view
I believe it can be done with the SPFx framework, but out-of-the-box it's not possible to hide it. Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User. Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)47Views1like0CommentsRe: Daily Security Passphrase
This isn't possible out-of-the-box but is very do-able with a list in SharePoint, a Power Automate flow and a list web part on your SharePoint page. I have had the following run every day for about 4 years to get a random country from a list of all 250 countries contained in a SharePoint list. The list for this is called Countries and is as follows: The flow is as follows. It runs once a day at 0700 and gets the item that is currently marked as Yes in the Current column: We then change that item back to No: We then get all the items from the list and in a Compose action add the following expression to get a random item from the first item in the list, 0, to however many items there are in the list: body('Get_items')?['value'][rand(0,length(body('Get_items')?['value']))] At this point save the flow and run a test, and copy the contents of the output of the Compose above into a Parse JSON action: We then need to update the list again with the new current item. The ID is from the ID in the Parse JSON section of the dynamic content box and select Yes in the Current field. I've added a view of the list to show just the item now marked as current. I formatted that with JSON view formatting to add a dynamic link to the Wikipedia page abut the country and another one to open the map of the country in Bing Maps but you won't need those. You could just the Title column displayed in a new view of the list which is called Current Random Country.. The web part on the page then has the following settings: The passphrase in this case would be the name of the country. There is a very small chance that a non-legitimate person calling might select the correct country but it is a slim chance. So I hope this gives you some ideas for doing something similar. Come back with any questions. Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User. Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)0Views0likes0CommentsRe: Unable to Create Wiki Page via REST API Due to Request Size Limit
I can't answer the question but please don't use the wiki functionality in SharePoint. It is utterly rubbish, hasn't been updated since at least 2010, probably earlier, and is soooooo far behind professional wiki products like mediawiki and Wikidot. Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User. Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)12Views0likes0CommentsRe: Opening View
Just add a shortcut on on your desktop pointing to the Documents library, e.g Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User. Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)14Views0likes0CommentsRe: Qualtrics to Sharepoint
There are no Qualtrics triggers or actions in the cloud version of Power Automate, but you might be able to do it with the desktop version. Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User. Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)15Views0likes0CommentsRe: Flow save failed with code 'InvalidTemplate' and message 'The template validation failed:
You can't have 2 triggers in a flow. Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User. Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)Re: Best approach to follow to apply naming convention for our files inside sharepoint
You can do this with a flow in Power Automate with the when a file is created trigger, then add an update file action to change the name to what you posted above. If you are applying it to files already uploaded you'd need to have a manual trigger then use the get files action and add an apply to each and rename the files. But that might be quite slow depending on the number of files involved. Rob Los Gallardos Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User. Principal Consultant, SharePoint and Power Platform WSP Global (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)35Views1like0Comments
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