An usually forgotten jewel. Most people go to notre Dame. This totally worth it! Stained glass everywhere you look, also this was the secret entrance of the assassins guild
This Gothic chapel is possible more beautiful, and definitely more underrated than Notre Dame. The walls are almost entirely made of stained glass, so be sure to go on a sunny day.
Se compone de dos plantas, una inferior y otra superior. Las dos son bonitas, desde luego, pero la de la planta superior es brutal, con unas vidrieras realmente impresionantes. Está muy concurrido.
I'm surprised not many people go here. The bottom floor is impressive, but the top floor is so beautiful. You'll never see such beautiful stained glass. Great to visit after seeing Notre Dame.
Get your Paris Museum Pass here. We get a bonus of free entry to Saint Chapelle after buying the pass. Entry is included w pass, but they allow PMP to be activated the next day after chapel visit.
Absolutely underrated highlight of Paris! The beauty & atmosphere of the 2nd floor surrounded completely by amazing colorful windows is worth a short visit (15€ for max 45 min time needed).
One of the most stunning places in all of Western civilization. Come for the stained glass... stay and linger for the moments of divine transformation.
Be sure to go on a sunny day to see the effect on the stained glass windows. Each window tells a Biblical story so start at the western alcove of the north wall and work your way clockwise.
Os vitraisrestaurados são maravilhosos, mas metade da igreja ainda está em reforma. A visita é muito rápida, entrose quiser economizar tempo e din din, melhor esperar a restauração completa.
Linda! Os vidros contam um bela história... Nenhum desejo se repete. A escada caracol dificulta o acesso. Está em reforma. Possui opção de ingresso combinado com conciergerie que fica ao lado.
This place was very cool. Each section of the glass tells a different part of history starting with Adam and even to the Passover story. All in stained glass.
Chapelle palatine édifiée afin d’abriter Sainte Couronne d'épines, morceau Vraie Croix, ainsi que diverses autres reliques la Passion acquises vers 1239. Injuste prix fort payé par non résidents UE
Malgré son accès difficile, dans l'enceinte de la Préfecture de Paris, sa visite vaut le déplacement... pour sa hauteur et sesvitraux exceptionnels...+ de 700 000 visiteurs par an
Forse per via di averla visitata dopo Notre Dame,ma non lascia molto.Rimane bella,ma povera di sostanza se si escludono le enormi e meravigliose vetrate.La coda iniziale con tanto di metal detector...
Солн.погода! По museum pass проход free и почти без очереди.Из двух очередей с улицы на вход(Сент-Шапель и дворец правосудия)выб. меньшую,обе ведут внутр. дворик.Из капеллы можно выйти на балкончик
Qué cosa más Hermosa!!! Cierran para la hora de comer, así que es mejor comprar entrada conjunta con la Conciergerie (que no cierra para comer) e ir primero allí :D
La Sainte-Chapelle ("The Holy Chapel") is a Gothic chapel on the Île de la Cité in the heart of Paris. It is perhaps the high point of the full tide of the rayonnante period of Gothic architecture.