Ecuador Imports from Thailand of Organic chemicals was US$470.13 Thousand during 2023, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade. Ecuador Imports from Thailand of Organic chemicals - data, historical chart and statistics - was last updated on February of 2025.

ecuador Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Balance of Trade 325565.00 220972.00 619602.00 -729014.00 USD Thousand [+]
Current Account 2407.08 1469.25 2407.08 -1398.86 USD Million [+]
Current Account to GDP 2.80 1.90 5.17 -10.08 percent of GDP [+]
Imports 2650975.00 2621814.00 3011092.00 117453.00 USD Thousand [+]
Exports 2976540.00 2842786.00 3065252.00 66062.00 USD Thousand [+]
Capital Flows 2761.75 1699.55 2761.75 -5561.90 USD Million [+]
Remittances 1611.14 1393.71 1611.14 238.55 USD Million [+]
Gold Reserves 26.28 26.28 33.78 6.37 Tonnes [+]
Crude Oil Production 472.00 469.00 563.00 0.00 BBL/D/1K [+]
External Debt to GDP 41.40 42.80 43.20 11.80 percent of GDP [+]
Foreign Direct Investment 41.80 78.20 788.10 -286.10 USD Million [+]
Terrorism Index 0.17 2.20 4.34 0.17 Points [+]