Exchange Rate
Daily Change
-0.1767 -0.10%
Q1 Forecast

Crosses Price Day %Day %Year Date
GBPUSD 1.28851 0.00060 0.04% 0.22% Mar/07
USDISK 135.980 -0.240 -0.18% 0.01% Mar/07
EURGBP 0.83838 0.00100 0.12% -1.40% Mar/07
GBPAUD 2.04199 0.00770 0.38% 5.26% Mar/07
GBPNZD 2.25093 0.00670 0.30% 8.16% Mar/07
GBPJPY 190.039 -0.558 -0.29% 0.50% Mar/07
GBPCNY 9.34002 0.00740 0.08% 1.15% Mar/07
GBPCHF 1.13657 -0.00230 -0.20% 0.74% Mar/07
GBPCAD 1.84305 0.00140 0.08% 6.34% Mar/07
GBPINR 112.259 0.012 0.01% 5.99% Mar/07
EURISK 146.899 -0.001 -0.001% -1.07% Mar/07
GBPISK 175.268 -0.177 -0.10% 0.89% Mar/07
AUDISK 85.8616 -0.4065 -0.47% -4.34% Mar/07
NZDISK 77.8527 -0.3785 -0.48% -7.03% Mar/07
ISKJPY 1.08508 -0.00129 -0.12% -0.56% Mar/07
ISKCNY 0.0532882 0.0001121 0.21% 0.41% Mar/07
ISKCHF 0.00648614 -0.00000519 -0.08% 0.27% Mar/07
ISKCAD 0.01051312 0.00001650 0.16% 5.98% Mar/07
GBPBRL 7.42241 0.02146 0.29% 17.93% Mar/06
ISKBRL 0.0423590 0.0001978 0.47% 16.90% Mar/06

British Pound Sterling Icelandic Króna traded at 175.268 this Friday March 7th, decreasing 0.177 or 0.10 percent since the previous trading session. Looking back, over the last four weeks, GBPISK lost 0.37 percent. Over the last 12 months, its price rose by 0.89 percent. Looking ahead, we forecast British Pound Sterling Icelandic Króna to be priced at 176.324 by the end of this quarter and at 176.217 in one year, according to Trading Economics global macro models projections and analysts expectations.