Stock Price
Daily Change
0 0%
Q1 Forecast

Peers Price Chg Day Year Date
Appeninn 874.00 4.00 0.46% 57.19% Mar/14
Budapesti Ingatlan Hasznositasi es Fejlesztesi Nyrt 516.00 -26.00 -4.80% -12.54% Mar/14
Graphisoft Park 12.80 0 0% 42.22% Mar/14
Hysan Development 3.09 0 0% -3.59% Mar/14

Indexes Price Day Year Date
BUX 87873 1,197.89 1.38% 34.26% Mar/14

Graphisoft Park traded at 12.80 this Friday March 14th. Looking back, over the last four weeks, Graphisoft Park lost 5.79 percent. Over the last 12 months, its price rose by 42.22 percent. Looking ahead, we forecast Graphisoft Park to be priced at 12.73 by the end of this quarter and at 12.53 in one year, according to Trading Economics global macro models projections and analysts expectations.