Markets Actual Q1/25 Q2/25 Q3/25 Q4/25
Currency 45.25 46.91 47.16 47.42 47.69
Stock Market (points) 2524.36 2521 2512 2502 2494

Overview Actual Q1/25 Q2/25 Q3/25 Q4/25
GDP Growth Rate (%) 1.80 1.6 1.5 0.8 1.2
GDP Annual Growth Rate (%) 6.30 5.3 4.9 7 3.8
Unemployment Rate (%) 5.90 6 6 5.8 5.8
Inflation Rate (%) 1.90 4.2 3.6 3.9 3.7
Interest Rate (%) 4.50 4.5 4.5 4 4
Current Account to GDP (% of GDP) -5.60 -4.6
Government Debt to GDP (% of GDP) 78.60 81
Government Budget (% of GDP) -5.70 -4.7

GDP Actual Q1/25 Q2/25 Q3/25 Q4/25
GDP Growth Rate (%) 1.80 1.6 1.5 0.8 1.2
GDP Annual Growth Rate (%) 6.30 5.3 4.9 7 3.8
GDP Constant Prices (MUR Million) 178737.00 167665 170980 191249 185529
Gross Fixed Capital Formation (MUR Million) 42986.00 44893 43553 45995 44619
GDP from Construction (MUR Million) 11140.00 10019 9981 11920 11563
GDP from Manufacturing (MUR million) 21461.00 14123 17977 22963 22277
GDP from Mining (MUR million) 625.00 492 626 669 649
GDP from Utilities (MUR Million) 1757.00 2711 1728 1880 1824
GDP from Transport (MUR million) 8372.00 7875 6808 8958 8690
GDP (USD Billion) 14.64 15.2
GDP per Capita (USD) 11319.24 11749
GDP per Capita PPP (USD) 26590.42 27601
Full Year GDP Growth (%) 5.60 3.8

Labour Actual Q1/25 Q2/25 Q3/25 Q4/25
Unemployment Rate (%) 5.90 6 6 5.8 5.8
Population (Million) 1.26 1.28

Prices Actual Q1/25 Q2/25 Q3/25 Q4/25
Inflation Rate (%) 1.90 4.2 3.6 3.9 3.7
Consumer Price Index CPI (points) 105.00 109 106 107 107
Core Inflation Rate (%) 6.00 3.8 3.5 3.2 3
Producer Prices (points) 160.00 161 161 161 166
Food Inflation (%) 1.90 4 5.4 6.2 6
Producer Prices Change (%) 6.70 5.2 4 3 3.8
CPI Transportation (points) 97.40 97.21 97.4 97.59 97.89
Inflation Rate MoM (%) 1.50 -0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3

Money Actual Q1/25 Q2/25 Q3/25 Q4/25
Interest Rate (%) 4.50 4.5 4.5 4 4

Trade Actual Q1/25 Q2/25 Q3/25 Q4/25
Tourism Revenues (MUR Million) 10319.00 7800 6700 6700 9000
Current Account to GDP (% of GDP) -5.60 -4.6

Consumer Actual Q1/25 Q2/25 Q3/25 Q4/25
Consumer Spending (MUR Million) 119256.00 108294 110513 127604 123788

Government Actual Q1/25 Q2/25 Q3/25 Q4/25
Government Debt to GDP (% of GDP) 78.60 81
Government Budget (% of GDP) -5.70 -4.7