Poland Exports of vehicles other than railway, tramway to Guinea Bissau was US$9.83 Thousand during 2024, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade. Poland Exports of vehicles other than railway, tramway to Guinea Bissau - data, historical chart and statistics - was last updated on March of 2025.

poland Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Balance of Trade -1506.00 -2236.00 1930.00 -3285.00 EUR Million [+]
Current Account to GDP 1.80 -2.20 5.30 -15.70 percent of GDP [+]
Current Account -168.00 -803.00 4087.00 -3354.00 EUR Million [+]
Exports 27236.00 24703.00 31513.00 2499.00 EUR Million [+]
Imports 28742.00 26939.00 32084.00 3418.00 EUR Million [+]
External Debt 467286.00 437255.00 467286.00 59532.45 USD Million [+]
Terms of Trade 101.90 97.60 112.30 90.60 points [+]
Capital Flows -844.00 -6845.00 5922.00 -8487.00 EUR Million [+]
Foreign Direct Investment 259254.00 251554.30 259254.00 9228.20 EUR Million [+]
Remittances 663.00 664.00 6140000.00 189.00 EUR Million [+]
Gold Reserves 448.23 419.70 448.23 102.80 Tonnes [+]
Natural Gas Imports 64894.74 74700.56 162680.00 22629.00 Terajoule [+]
Weapons Sales 499.00 419.00 499.00 0.00 SIPRI TIV Million [+]
Terrorism Index 1.96 0.00 1.96 0.00 Points [+]
Crude Oil Production 18.00 17.00 24.00 5.00 BBL/D/1K [+]