Portugal Imports of Iron and steel was US$3.8 Billion during 2023, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade. Portugal Imports of Iron and steel - data, historical chart and statistics - was last updated on February of 2025.

portugal Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Balance of Trade -2502.00 -2535.00 3.55 -3424.75 EUR Million [+]
Current Account 225.00 598.00 1566.82 -2367.05 EUR Million [+]
Current Account to GDP 1.40 -1.20 3.10 -14.70 percent of GDP [+]
Exports 6796.00 7408.00 7907.00 1.69 EUR Million [+]
Imports 9298.00 9937.00 10058.00 0.00 EUR Million [+]
External Debt 409653.19 409206.16 421132.40 56392.07 EUR Million [+]
Capital Flows 375.40 1768.62 2914.51 -2224.31 EUR Million [+]
Foreign Direct Investment 778.16 2689.08 6288.05 -3307.52 EUR Million [+]
Remittances 349.91 349.78 515.40 153.66 EUR Million [+]
Tourism Revenues 1465.87 2327.70 4148.35 183.89 EUR Million [+]
Gold Reserves 382.66 382.66 606.76 382.48 Tonnes [+]
Natural Gas Imports 16524.74 14363.65 27943.00 9041.00 Terajoule [+]
External Debt to GDP 149.00 149.00 237.00 149.00 percent of GDP [+]
Weapons Sales 10.00 2.00 172.00 0.00 SIPRI TIV Million [+]
Terrorism Index 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Points [+]
Tourist Arrivals 1222049.00 1972562.00 2268888.00 5356.00 Persons [+]