Stock Price
Daily Change
-0.19 -1.94%
Q1 Forecast

Peers Price Chg Day Year Date
Tencent Holdings 534.50 -9.50 -1.75% 97.96% Mar/07
Apple 235.20 -0.42 -0.18% 39.17% Mar/06
Amazon 200.69 -7.59 -3.64% 13.50% Mar/06
Angie's List 1.60 -0.02 -1.23% -37.50% Mar/06
Alibaba 139.80 -1.35 -0.96% 92.72% Mar/06
Booking Holdings 4,917.46 -5.17 -0.11% 43.45% Mar/06
Meliuz 3.84 0.54 16.36% -53.90% Mar/06
Paramount Global 11.77 0.26 2.26% 8.94% Mar/06
Criteo 38.24 -0.04 -0.10% 14.39% Mar/06
CrowdStrike Holdings 347.63 -17.95 -4.91% 5.44% Mar/06
Warner Bros Discovery 10.72 -0.73 -6.34% 22.60% Mar/06
Electronic Arts EA 136.81 2.76 2.06% 1.04% Mar/06
eBay 67.82 1.24 1.86% 33.56% Mar/06
Enero 0.90 -0.02 -2.17% -45.29% Mar/07
Elang Mahkota 565.00 -10.00 -1.74% 22.83% Mar/07
Expedia 184.02 -7.06 -3.69% 37.92% Mar/06
Meta 627.61 -28.76 -4.38% 22.53% Mar/06
FC Porto 1.04 -0.04 -3.70% -8.77% Mar/06
Juventus Football Club 3.28 -0.13 -3.81% 44.63% Mar/06
Lyft 12.08 -0.28 -2.27% -33.07% Mar/06
Match 31.33 -0.24 -0.76% -8.15% Mar/06
Modern Times 116.00 -1.30 -1.11% 58.47% Mar/06
Netflix 905.96 -84.88 -8.57% 48.88% Mar/06
Peloton Interactive 6.33 -0.59 -8.47% 39.93% Mar/06
Sporting Clube de Portugal Futebol 0.92 -0.01 -0.54% -0.54% Mar/06
T4F Entretenimento 0.71 -0.01 -1.39% -67.58% Mar/06
SL Benfica 3.22 -0.09 -2.72% 16.25% Mar/06
Snap 9.60 -0.19 -1.94% -18.99% Mar/06
Spotify 543.41 -43.42 -7.40% 101.00% Mar/06
Tencent 68.98 1.48 2.19% 99.19% Mar/06
Atlassian 250.53 -26.42 -9.54% 23.44% Mar/06
TripAdvisor 13.95 0.26 1.90% -47.00% Mar/06
Take Two Interactive Software 207.81 -7.09 -3.30% 43.30% Mar/06
Uber 74.91 -1.62 -2.12% -4.75% Mar/06
WIX 187.00 -10.53 -5.33% 34.20% Mar/06
Yelp 33.96 0.28 0.83% -10.94% Mar/06
Yandex 4,507.50 10.50 0.23% 24.39% Mar/06

Snap Inc traded at $9.60 this Thursday March 6th, decreasing $0.19 or 1.94 percent since the previous trading session. Looking back, over the last four weeks, Snap lost 12.09 percent. Over the last 12 months, its price fell by 18.99 percent. Looking ahead, we forecast Snap Inc to be priced at 10.18 by the end of this quarter and at 9.96 in one year, according to Trading Economics global macro models projections and analysts expectations.