US crude stocks fell while gasoline and distillate inventories rose in the week ending January, the Energy Information Administration said. Crude inventories fell by 0.959 million barrels, more than market expectations for a 0.6 million-barrel draw. It was the seventh consecutive drop in crude oil stocks, challenging the recent rhetoric that low fuel demand in the upcoming year will drive the crude oil market to remain in a surplus. Also, crude stocks at the Cushing, Oklahoma, delivery hub went down by 2.502 million. On the other hand, gasoline stocks rose by 6.33 million barrels, compared with expectations for a 1.5 million-barrel build. Distillate stockpiles, which include diesel and heating oil, increased by 6.071 million barrels, more than expectations for 1 million-barrel rise. Meanwhile, net US crude imports rose by 278 thousand barrels per day. source: U.S. Energy Information Administration
Stocks of crude oil in the United States decreased by 0.96million barrels in the week ending January 3 of 2024. Crude Oil Stocks Change in the United States averaged 0.07 BBL/1Million from 1982 until 2025, reaching an all time high of 21.56 BBL/1Million in February of 2021 and a record low of -17.05 BBL/1Million in July of 2023. This page provides the latest reported value for - United States Crude Oil Stocks Change - plus previous releases, historical high and low, short-term forecast and long-term prediction, economic calendar, survey consensus and news. United States Crude Oil Stocks Change - data, historical chart, forecasts and calendar of releases - was last updated on January of 2025.