Stock Price
Daily Change
-0.39 -0.43%
Q1 Forecast

Peers Price Chg Day Year Date
Denso 2,008.00 40.50 2.06% -30.76% Mar/18
Adient 14.05 -0.18 -1.26% -56.80% Mar/17
Autoliv 89.76 -0.39 -0.43% -24.57% Mar/17
Amphenol 63.89 0.81 1.28% 16.59% Mar/17
Aptiv 63.45 0.17 0.26% -18.46% Mar/17
Borgwarner 28.34 -0.38 -1.32% -11.78% Mar/17
Avis Budget 59.20 -2.75 -4.44% -45.25% Mar/17
Continental 72.80 2.52 3.59% 5.97% Mar/18
Dana 14.47 0.10 0.70% 23.46% Mar/17
Electrolux 92.40 1.90 2.10% 1.34% Mar/18
Ford Motor 9.94 0.21 2.16% -17.62% Mar/17
Valeo 10.28 0.34 3.42% -8.95% Mar/18
General Motors 49.00 0.65 1.35% 20.42% Mar/17
Gentex 24.14 -0.17 -0.70% -33.13% Mar/17
Goodyear Tire & Rubber 9.16 0.01 0.11% -26.43% Mar/17
Lear 95.59 0.88 0.93% -31.92% Mar/17
Linamar 53.16 1.02 1.96% -23.73% Mar/17
Lyft 12.02 0.10 0.84% -33.04% Mar/17
Magna International 52.50 0.19 0.36% -26.15% Mar/17
Michelin 34.45 0.57 1.68% -2.57% Mar/18
Modine Manufacturing 87.05 1.63 1.91% -2.70% Mar/17
Martinrea International 7.37 -0.05 -0.67% -36.47% Mar/17
Pirelli 5.93 0.03 0.44% 6.27% Mar/18
Sensata Technologies 27.74 0.56 2.06% -22.51% Mar/17
TE Connectivity 146.90 0.68 0.46% 4.93% Mar/17
Tesla 238.26 -11.69 -4.68% 37.09% Mar/17
Nokian Tyres 6.67 0.05 0.76% -18.30% Mar/18
Uber 72.71 1.04 1.45% -4.42% Mar/17
Visteon 80.19 -0.42 -0.52% -29.58% Mar/17
Volvo 321.90 4.00 1.26% 5.13% Mar/18
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Autoliv traded at $89.76 this Monday March 17th, decreasing $0.39 or 0.43 percent since the previous trading session. Looking back, over the last four weeks, Autoliv lost 10.81 percent. Over the last 12 months, its price fell by 24.57 percent. Looking ahead, we forecast Autoliv to be priced at 89.78 by the end of this quarter and at 88.68 in one year, according to Trading Economics global macro models projections and analysts expectations.