Last Previous Highest Lowest
Currency 121 121 124 67.2 Mar/25
Stock Market 5202 5207 7368 3604 points Mar/25
GDP Annual Growth Rate 6.03 7.1 7.88 3.45 percent Dec/23
Unemployment Rate 4.2 4.3 5.3 2.2 percent Dec/23
Inflation Rate 9.32 9.94 12.72 -0.03 percent Feb/25
Interest Rate 10 10 10 4.5 percent Feb/25
Balance of Trade -226 -187 0 -315 BDT Billion Dec/24
Current Account 367 -641 1526 -1638 Billion BDT Nov/24
Current Account to GDP -1.4 -2.6 2.3 -4 percent of GDP Dec/24
Government Debt to GDP 31.7 29.5 50 25.7 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget 5 5.06 5.06 -6.23 percent of GDP Dec/23
Corporate Tax Rate 27.5 27.5 40 25 percent Dec/25
Personal Income Tax Rate 25 25 30 25 percent Dec/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
GDP Annual Growth Rate 6.03 7.1 7.88 3.45 percent Dec/23
GDP 437 460 460 4.27 USD Billion Dec/23
GDP Constant Prices 32180 30393 32180 2373 BDT Billion Dec/23
Gross National Product 33480 31521 33480 2483 BDT Billion Dec/23
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 13874 12599 13874 2511 BDT Million Dec/23
GDP per Capita 1885 1804 1885 197 USD Dec/23
GDP per Capita PPP 8242 7888 8242 2070 USD Dec/23
GDP from Agriculture 3618 3506 9748 2795 BDT Million Jun/24
GDP from Construction 3203 2981 5670 1628 BDT Million Jun/24
GDP from Manufacturing 8234 7725 15957 4224 BDT Million Jun/24
GDP from Mining 625 579 1329 330 BDT Million Jun/24
GDP from Public Administration 1160 1079 2764 667 BDT Million Jun/24
GDP from Services 16764 15844 111426 10630 BDT Million Jun/24
GDP from Transport 2380 2262 9048 1580 BDT Million Jun/24
GDP from Utilities 368 370 1124 246 BDT Million Jun/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Unemployment Rate 4.2 4.3 5.3 2.2 percent Dec/23
Population 172 169 172 50.1 Million Dec/23
Minimum Wages 12500 12500 12500 5300 BDT/Month Dec/24
Retirement Age Men 59 59 59 57 Years Dec/25
Retirement Age Women 59 59 59 57 Years Dec/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Inflation Rate 9.32 9.94 12.72 -0.03 percent Feb/25
Consumer Price Index CPI 131 131 133 52.53 points Feb/25
GDP Deflator 138 131 249 126 points Dec/23
CPI Transportation 127 126 127 110 points Feb/25
Food Inflation 9.24 10.72 14.1 3.77 percent Feb/25
Inflation Rate MoM -0.15 0.15 3.69 -2 percent Feb/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Interest Rate 10 10 10 4.5 percent Feb/25
Interbank Rate 10.04 10.08 33.54 0.74 percent Feb/25
Money Supply M0 3049 3018 3203 34.38 BDT Billion Dec/24
Money Supply M1 4637 4749 5009 6.27 BDT Billion Jan/25
Money Supply M2 20560 20537 20560 207 BDT Billion Jan/25
Money Supply M3 2435 2423 2435 73.3 BDT Billion Dec/24
Foreign Exchange Reserves 26176 25306 48060 7471 USD Million Feb/25
Loans to Private Sector 16182 16007 16182 152 BDT Billion Dec/24
Deposit Interest Rate 8.53 6.52 12.05 5.05 percent Dec/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Balance of Trade -226 -187 0 -315 BDT Billion Dec/24
Current Account 367 -641 1526 -1638 Billion BDT Nov/24
Current Account to GDP -1.4 -2.6 2.3 -4 percent of GDP Dec/24
Exports 455 405 472 0.05 BDT Billion Dec/24
Imports 680 591 709 0.57 BDT Billion Dec/24
Capital Flows 51.8 90.8 680 -12.72 BDT Billion Nov/24
Remittances 2528 2185 2639 857 USD Million Feb/25
Gold Reserves 14.26 14.26 14.26 3.29 Tonnes Sep/24
Crude Oil Production 3 3 6 1 BBL/D/1K Nov/24
External Debt 62.31 55.6 62.31 16.17 USD Billion Dec/23
Foreign Direct Investment 1649 1827 2650 276 USD Million Dec/23
Terrorism Index 3.32 3.83 5.75 3.32 Points Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Government Debt to GDP 31.7 29.5 50 25.7 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget 5 5.06 5.06 -6.23 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget Value -224244 -227507 -6697 -227507 BDT Billion Dec/23
Government Spending 2552 2254 2552 467 BDT Billion Dec/23
Government Revenues 478000 433000 478000 15008 BDT Billion Dec/23
Fiscal Expenditure 714418 660507 714418 22013 BDT Billion Dec/23
Corruption Index 23 24 28 4 Points Dec/24
Corruption Rank 151 149 162 51 Dec/24
Credit Rating 35 Mar/25
Military Expenditure 4208 4474 4850 48.6 USD Million Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Corporate Tax Rate 27.5 27.5 40 25 percent Dec/25
Personal Income Tax Rate 25 25 30 25 percent Dec/24
Sales Tax Rate 15 15 15 15 percent Dec/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Manufacturing Production 7.57 8.99 78.37 -25.7 percent Nov/24
Mining Production -14 -9.03 34 -31 percent Nov/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Consumer Spending 32840 31190 32840 7270 BDT Billion Dec/23
Private Sector Credit 16633 16425 126840 498 BDT Billion Dec/24
Consumer Credit 21510 21508 21510 220 BDT Billion Dec/24