Belgium Exports to St Kitts and Nevis was US$317.28 Thousand during 2023, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade. Belgium Exports to St Kitts and Nevis - data, historical chart and statistics - was last updated on January of 2025.

belgium Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Balance of Trade 548.90 3500.90 4843.60 -2517.10 EUR Million [+]
Current Account -1587.00 -1521.00 7677.00 -13732.00 EUR Million [+]
Current Account to GDP -0.70 -1.30 5.50 -4.00 percent of GDP [+]
Imports 39072.60 42387.34 54039.30 6975.70 EUR Million [+]
Exports 39621.50 45888.20 57399.50 7331.30 EUR Million [+]
Terms of Trade 96.88 94.95 108.24 86.97 points [+]
Capital Flows 908.00 689.00 8882.00 -10475.00 EUR Million [+]
Remittances 4068.00 5217.00 5603.00 935.00 EUR Million [+]
Gold Reserves 227.40 227.40 258.09 227.40 Tonnes [+]
Natural Gas Imports 115775.10 108805.90 221343.50 28156.00 Terajoule [+]
External Debt to GDP 244.00 242.00 286.00 231.00 percent of GDP [+]
External Debt 1482778.00 1459431.00 1482778.00 923263.00 EUR Million [+]
Tourist Arrivals 1670446.00 1614274.00 2067690.00 15481.00 [+]
Terrorism Index 1.90 2.76 5.79 0.44 Points [+]
Foreign Direct Investment -10811.00 -8980.00 43157.00 -29541.00 EUR Million [+]
Weapons Sales 40.00 144.00 243.00 0.00 SIPRI TIV Million [+]