Country Last Previous Reference Unit
Albania 5132133 3012784 Sep/24
Algeria 3300 125 Dec/23 Thousand
Argentina 547267 444008 Nov/24
Armenia 510387 435775 Jun/24 Thousand
Australia 677410 630700 Oct/24
Austria 1274 2032 Nov/24 Thousand
Azerbaijan 11232 9493 Dec/23
Bahamas 734 694 Oct/24 Thousand
Bahrain 17244 13770 Dec/23 Thousand
Barbados 63999 43556 Nov/24
Belarus 233128 142993 Dec/23
Belgium 1614274 2042261 Sep/24
Belize 1243120 897008 Dec/23
Bosnia And Herzegovina 182405 205609 Oct/24
Brazil 5908 3630 Dec/23 Thousand
Brunei 133630 35701 Dec/23 Thousands
Bulgaria 953136 1261743 Oct/24
Burkina Faso 106226 62716 Dec/21
Cambodia 509474 548828 Sep/24
Canada 2252283 2882158 Oct/24
Cape Verde 238058 303298 Jun/24
Cayman Islands 429 284 Dec/23 Thousand
Chile 830276 732663 Oct/24
China 1378 0 Dec/23 Tens of Thousands
Comoros 20297 50360 Dec/23
Croatia 897781 2053420 Oct/24
Cyprus 179941 459106 Nov/24
Dominican Republic 554162 468885 Oct/24
Fiji 76845 89388 Nov/24
Finland 221812 173743 Nov/24
France 3119 3804 Oct/24 Thousand
Germany 3042 3472 Oct/24 Thousand
Greece 5483 6908 Sep/24 Thousand
Guatemala 251253 220638 Nov/24
Guyana 288 158 Dec/22 Thousand
Hong Kong 4090054 3062003 Oct/24
Iceland 162273 212867 Nov/24
India 636277 776110 Aug/24
Indonesia 1092067 1193867 Nov/24
Israel 75.9 61.5 Dec/24 Thousand
Italy 6041774 8606166 Oct/24 Persons
Japan 3190000 3312000 Nov/24
Jordan 712 756 Nov/24 Thousand
Kenya 144996 175113 Sep/24
Kuwait 1606 2161 Dec/21 Thousand
Kyrgyzstan 2864 1971 Dec/23 Thousand
Laos 3417629 1294365 Dec/23 people
Latvia 119129 144004 Oct/24
Lebanon 261557 151846 Dec/23
Lithuania 367 285 Jun/24 Thousand
Macau 2832041 3135358 Nov/24
Macedonia 1138 1248 Oct/24 Hundreds
Malaysia 1856312 2230457 Nov/24
Maldives 173 172621 Nov/24
Malta 355561 361015 Oct/24
Mauritius 123104 133065 Nov/24
Mexico 1940 1459 Oct/24 Thousand
Moldova 69979 66537 Sep/24
Montenegro 57536 126786 Nov/24
Morocco 15900000 14400000 Dec/24
Mozambique 322270 213544 Dec/21
Myanmar 169509 80333 Mar/23
Namibia 863872 461027 Dec/23
Nepal 1014876 614148 Dec/23 Persons
New Caledonia 3276 9776 May/24
New Zealand 240195 226889 Oct/24
Oman 310 263 Nov/24 Thousand
Palestine 1000 4232 Dec/20 Thousand
Peru 2009275 444331 Dec/22
Philippines 598493 471835 Dec/24
Portugal 1973133 2140323 Oct/24 Persons
Puerto Rico 79.5 95 Jun/24 Thousand
Qatar 2560 611 Dec/22 Thousand
Romania 215830 246362 Oct/24
Saudi Arabia 27 16.51 Dec/23 Million
Serbia 170310 225458 Nov/24
Seychelles 32007 35155 Nov/24
Sierra Leone 6665 7017 Jun/24
Singapore 1234673 1314473 Nov/24
Slovenia 311451 471735 Nov/24
South Africa 1002928 912229 Nov/24
South Korea 1361076 1600263 Nov/24
Spain 8965 9595 Oct/24 Thousand
Sri Lanka 248592 184158 Dec/24
Switzerland 1732 2139 Oct/24 Thousand
Taiwan 661 575 Oct/24 Thousand
Thailand 3150240 2679180 Nov/25
Tunisia 9370 5170 Dec/23 Thousand
Turkey 2733663 5448459 Nov/24
Uganda 1272 815 Dec/23 Thousand
United Kingdom 3513 3906 Jun/24 Thousand
United States 6163140 7527819 Sep/24
Uruguay 7180830 5838210 Sep/24
Vietnam 1747 1712 Dec/24 Thousand
Zimbabwe 1602781 1043781 Dec/23