Stock Price
Daily Change
-0.33 -2.00%
Q1 Forecast

Peers Price Chg Day Year Date
BP 420.00 -2.50 -0.59% -7.52% Feb/03
Capricorn Energy 314.00 4.50 1.45% 130.54% Feb/03
Chevron 149.41 0.29 0.19% -1.92% Feb/03
EDP 3.03 -0.01 -0.30% -24.93% Feb/03
Endesa 21.55 0.18 0.84% 19.62% Feb/03
Hellenic Petroleum 7.40 -0.09 -1.20% -1.99% Feb/03
Enagas 12.24 0.02 0.16% -16.96% Feb/03
Eni 13.63 -0.07 -0.51% -5.18% Feb/03
Galp 15.89 -0.33 -2.00% 12.42% Feb/03
Naturgy Energy 23.92 0.24 1.01% -2.37% Feb/03
Iberdrola 13.57 -0.07 -0.51% 23.20% Feb/03
Orron Energy Ab 6.59 -0.09 -1.41% -6.29% Feb/03
Motor Oil 20.54 -0.82 -3.84% -19.20% Feb/03
Neste 11.88 -0.36 -2.94% -62.31% Feb/03
OMV 39.20 -0.68 -1.71% -1.43% Feb/03
Shell 31.85 -0.31 -0.95% 9.08% Feb/03
Red Electrica Corporacion 16.29 0.05 0.31% 7.99% Feb/03
REN 2.40 0.03 1.05% 7.62% Feb/03
Repsol 11.31 0.04 0.35% -15.03% Feb/03
Saipem 2.29 -0.08 -3.42% 77.64% Feb/03
Equinor ASA 273.35 -0.30 -0.11% -9.17% Feb/03
Tullow Oil 17.72 -0.28 -1.56% -40.54% Feb/03
Tecnicas Reunidas 13.70 -0.03 -0.22% 80.98% Feb/03
Koninklijke Vopak 43.74 -0.56 -1.26% 52.14% Feb/03
Exxon Mobil 107.08 0.58 0.54% 5.45% Feb/03

Indexes Price Day Year Date
PSI 20 6467 -57.78 -0.89% 3.91% Feb/03
EU100 1528 -15.07 -0.98% 7.79% Feb/03
PSI Geral 4129 -38.71 -0.93% -6.18% Feb/03
EU600 535 0 0% 10.58% Feb/04

Galp traded at 15.89 this Monday February 3rd, decreasing 0.33 or 2.00 percent since the previous trading session. Looking back, over the last four weeks, Galp lost 1.11 percent. Over the last 12 months, its price rose by 12.42 percent. Looking ahead, we forecast Galp to be priced at 15.99 by the end of this quarter and at 15.35 in one year, according to Trading Economics global macro models projections and analysts expectations.