Stock Price
Daily Change
0.07 1.05%
Q1 Forecast

Peers Price Chg Day Year Date
a2 Milk Company 8.65 0.70 8.81% 49.91% Mar/14
Bega Cheese 4.99 0.07 1.42% 22.60% Mar/14
Coles 18.70 -0.11 -0.58% 11.98% Mar/14
Domino's Pizza Enterprises 25.88 -0.30 -1.15% -40.31% Mar/14
Elders 7.01 0.09 1.30% -21.68% Mar/14
Flight Centre Travel 13.71 -0.01 -0.07% -34.71% Mar/14
GrainCorp 6.76 0.07 1.05% -15.50% Mar/14
Inghams 3.09 0.04 1.31% -10.17% Mar/14
Incitec Pivot 2.71 0.05 1.88% 0.74% Mar/14
Metcash 3.02 0.03 1.00% -22.37% Mar/14
Nufarm 3.83 0.04 1.06% -28.68% Mar/14
Orica 17.49 0.77 4.61% 1.39% Mar/14
Select Harvests 4.50 0 0% 8.70% Mar/14
Treasury Wine Estates 9.79 0.18 1.87% -21.55% Mar/14
Wesfarmers 69.65 0.57 0.83% 3.77% Mar/14
Woolworths 27.88 -0.06 -0.21% -14.61% Mar/14

Indexes Price Day Year Date
ASX200 7790 40.63 0.52% 1.56% Mar/14
Australia All Ordinaries 8013 46.73 0.59% 1.13% Mar/14

GrainCorp traded at 6.76 this Friday March 14th, increasing 0.07 or 1.05 percent since the previous trading session. Looking back, over the last four weeks, GrainCorp gained 3.70 percent. Over the last 12 months, its price fell by 15.50 percent. Looking ahead, we forecast GrainCorp to be priced at 6.74 by the end of this quarter and at 6.67 in one year, according to Trading Economics global macro models projections and analysts expectations.