Last Previous Highest Lowest
Currency 129 129 163 5 Mar/25
Stock Market 2241 2252 18845 1005 points Mar/25
GDP Growth Rate 1 0.9 5.32 -6.22 percent Sep/24
GDP Annual Growth Rate 4 4.6 10.3 -4.1 percent Sep/24
Unemployment Rate 5.7 4.9 12.2 4.7 percent Dec/23
Inflation Rate 3.5 3.3 31.5 2.7 percent Feb/25
Interest Rate 10.75 11.25 84.67 0.83 percent Feb/25
Balance of Trade -137320 -141744 -2175 -170134 KES Million Dec/24
Current Account -4515 -4412 4386 -6331 USD Million Dec/24
Current Account to GDP -4 -5.1 2.2 -12.2 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Debt to GDP 70.1 66.7 78.3 38.2 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget -4.9 -5.3 0.81 -8.7 percent of GDP Dec/24
Corporate Tax Rate 30 30 30 30 percent Dec/25
Personal Income Tax Rate 35 35 35 30 percent Dec/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
GDP Growth Rate 1 0.9 5.32 -6.22 percent Sep/24
GDP Annual Growth Rate 4 4.6 10.3 -4.1 percent Sep/24
GDP 108 114 114 0.79 USD Billion Dec/23
GDP Constant Prices 2631444 2731885 2731885 1325092 KES Million Sep/24
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 1897011 1861373 1897011 637 KES Million Dec/23
GDP per Capita 1808 1748 1808 705 USD Dec/23
GDP per Capita PPP 5683 5492 5683 3674 USD Dec/23
Full Year GDP Growth 5.6 4.9 8.1 -0.3 percent Dec/23
GDP from Agriculture 380925 539507 539507 267871 KES Million Sep/24
GDP from Construction 150260 139226 153380 49505 KES Million Sep/24
GDP from Manufacturing 213709 215445 220536 126473 KES Million Sep/24
GDP from Mining 24533 25857 30015 9316 KES Million Sep/24
GDP from Public Administration 163491 166176 166176 77675 KES Million Sep/24
GDP from Services 80172 74988 80172 42708 KES Million Sep/24
GDP from Transport 274257 257096 274257 122379 KES Million Sep/24
GDP from Utilities 66316 60868 66316 35149 KES Million Sep/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Unemployment Rate 5.7 4.9 12.2 4.7 percent Dec/23
Population 51.5 50.6 51.5 7.75 Million Dec/23
Minimum Wages 15202 15202 15202 1700 KES/Month May/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Inflation Rate 3.5 3.3 31.5 2.7 percent Feb/25
Consumer Price Index CPI 143 143 143 2.89 points Feb/25
Food Inflation 6.4 6.1 26.2 -1.15 percent Feb/25
Inflation Rate MoM 0.3 0.7 3.5 -1.2 percent Feb/25
Producer Prices 138 136 145 100 points Dec/24
Producer Prices Change -5.34 -3.21 16.52 -5.34 percent Dec/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Interest Rate 10.75 11.25 84.67 0.83 percent Feb/25
Interbank Rate 10.7 10.71 68.3 0 percent Mar/25
Money Supply M1 2121 2058 2126 71.49 KES Billion Dec/24
Money Supply M2 4231 4180 4231 231 KES Billion Dec/24
Money Supply M3 5489 5490 5550 245 KES Billion Dec/24
Foreign Exchange Reserves 16348 16312 16556 853 USD Million Dec/24
Deposit Interest Rate 9.17 7.15 18.4 2.43 percent Dec/23
Central Bank Balance Sheet 2004207 1905198 2261957 93720 KES Million Jun/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Balance of Trade -137320 -141744 -2175 -170134 KES Million Dec/24
Current Account -4515 -4412 4386 -6331 USD Million Dec/24
Current Account to GDP -4 -5.1 2.2 -12.2 percent of GDP Dec/23
Exports 80678 85921 107423 9007 KES Million Dec/24
Imports 217998 227665 259111 13453 KES Million Dec/24
External Debt 5188 5176 6190 312 KES Billion Sep/24
Capital Flows -5970 -5082 2284 -6986 USD Million Dec/24
Remittances 382245 427375 445385 25154 USD Thousand Feb/25
Gold Reserves 0.02 0.02 0.02 0 Tonnes Dec/24
Foreign Direct Investment 101915 93301 139199 -575 KES Million Dec/23
Terms of Trade 71.4 75.3 100 68 points Dec/23
Terrorism Index 5.62 6.16 7.28 2.56 Points Dec/23
Tourist Arrivals 166961 129335 175113 9 Dec/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Government Debt to GDP 70.1 66.7 78.3 38.2 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget -4.9 -5.3 0.81 -8.7 percent of GDP Dec/24
Government Budget Value -456500 -350900 40667 -931025 KES Million Dec/24
Government Spending 1404662 1357481 1404662 998 KES Million Dec/23
Government Revenues 1339 1092 2725 11.89 KES Billion Dec/24
Corruption Index 32 31 32 19 Points Dec/24
Corruption Rank 121 126 154 52 Dec/24
Credit Rating 23 Mar/25
Fiscal Expenditure 1796 1443 3605 13.83 KES Billion Dec/24
Government Debt 10793 10734 11240 724 KES Billion Sep/24
Military Expenditure 1000 1155 1191 1.9 USD Million Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Corporate Tax Rate 30 30 30 30 percent Dec/25
Personal Income Tax Rate 35 35 35 30 percent Dec/25
Sales Tax Rate 16 16 16 14 percent Dec/25
Withholding Tax Rate 25 25 25 25 percent Dec/24
Social Security Rate 13 13 13 10 percent Dec/24
Social Security Rate For Companies 6.5 6.5 6.5 5 percent Dec/24
Social Security Rate For Employees 6.5 6.5 6.5 5 percent Dec/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Car Production 711 826 1483 159 Units Dec/24
Car Registrations 15587 12075 57361 2377 Units Dec/24
Cement Production 792813 803632 911250 154781 Tonnes Dec/24
Changes in Inventories -92456 47534 85757 -92456 KES Million Dec/23
Electricity Production 1174 1201 1234 442 Gigawatt-hour Dec/24
Manufacturing PMI 50.6 50.5 59.1 34.4 points Feb/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Consumer Spending 7576873 7134782 7576873 4880 KES Million Dec/23
Bank Lending Rate 16.89 17.22 32.28 9 percent Dec/24
Disposable Personal Income 14266 12575 14266 1357 KES Billion Dec/23
Gasoline Prices 1.36 1.37 1.59 0.4 USD/Liter Feb/25
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Building Permits 24107 11119 31702 286 KES Million Dec/24