Singapore Imports of Ceramic products was US$356.97 Million during 2023, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade. Singapore Imports of Ceramic products - data, historical chart and statistics - was last updated on March of 2025.

singapore Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Balance of Trade 6158.96 3040.14 7973.33 -1999.81 SGD Million [+]
Current Account 28814.10 33894.90 36405.20 -659.20 SGD Million [+]
Current Account to GDP 17.50 17.70 26.10 -13.10 percent of GDP [+]
Imports 52515.01 55789.40 60516.21 266.38 SGD Million [+]
Exports 58673.97 58829.54 64146.29 197.68 SGD Million [+]
External Debt 2762551.70 2756532.80 2762551.70 854184.00 SGD Million [+]
Terms of Trade 98.95 99.73 176.76 97.70 points [+]
Capital Flows 39070.50 17110.60 110433.40 -22621.50 SGD Million [+]
Tourist Arrivals 1633471.00 1390622.00 1802593.00 750.00 [+]
Gold Reserves 219.96 227.61 236.60 0.00 Tonnes [+]
Foreign Direct Investment 60759.50 44666.40 65007.40 -4441.60 SGD Million [+]
Terrorism Index 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Points [+]
Exports of Non-oil Domestic Exports Of 2.60 -3.30 23.10 -16.80 percent [+]
Domestic Exports of Non Oil (nodx) (%yoy) 7.60 -2.10 70.00 -34.90 percent [+]