The benchmark KOSPI fell 0.2% to close at 2,516 points on Friday, snapping five consecutive session of gains, dragged down by sharp losses from chip and battery makers. However, the benchmark index advanced 3% over the week, its biggest weekly gain since mid-November last year. Investors also braced ahead of the US jobs report, which could shape the Federal Reserve’s policy outlook for the year. Meanwhile, traders assessed the latest Fed minutes, signaling readiness to slow policy easing due to persistent inflation and concerns over Trump’s policies. Domestically, South Korea's acting president pledged full efforts to stabilize the economy and committed to round-the-clock monitoring of financial markets for timely intervention. Notable losses were seen from chip and auto stocks, such as Samsung Electronics (-0.9%), SK Hynix (-0.7%), LG Energy Solutions (-2.7%), and Samsung SDI (-2.1%). Additionally, health stocks faced pressure, such as Samsung Biologics (-0.6%) and Celltrion (-0.2%).
The main stock market index in South Korea (KOSPI) increased 122 points or 5.07% since the beginning of 2025, according to trading on a contract for difference (CFD) that tracks this benchmark index from South Korea. Historically, the South Korea Stock Market reached an all time high of 3316.08 in June of 2021. South Korea Stock Market - data, forecasts, historical chart - was last updated on January 10 of 2025.
The main stock market index in South Korea (KOSPI) increased 122 points or 5.07% since the beginning of 2025, according to trading on a contract for difference (CFD) that tracks this benchmark index from South Korea. The South Korea Stock Market is expected to trade at 2321.03 points by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Looking forward, we estimate it to trade at 2100.75 in 12 months time.