Manufacturing output in the US edged higher by 0.2% from the previous month in November of 2024, trimming the revised 0.7% plunge from October but well below market expectations of a sharper 0.5% increase. Manufacturing was supported by the production of durable goods (3.5% from October) and machinery (2.1%). In turn, output of aerospace and miscellaneous transportation equipment fell by 2.6% as declines in the manufacturing of aircraft parts offset the resumption of work for Boeing. Also, output fell for apparel and leather (-2.1%), petroleum and coal products (1.6%), and paper (1.3%). On an annual basis, manufacturing output fell 1%.
Manufacturing Production MoM in the United States increased to 0.20 percent in November from -0.70 percent in October of 2024. Manufacturing Production MoM in the United States averaged 0.26 Percent from 1919 until 2024, reaching an all time high of 17.30 Percent in May of 1933 and a record low of -15.40 Percent in April of 2020. This page includes a chart with historical data for the United States Manufacturing Production MoM. United States Manufacturing Production MoM - data, historical chart, forecasts and calendar of releases - was last updated on January of 2025.