Air Studies
The studies are subject to the copyright notice and reuse policy of the European Commission. The studies have been carried out for the European Commission and express the opinions of the organisations having undertaken them. The views have not been adopted or in any way approved by the European Commission and should not be relied upon as a statement of the European Commission's views. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information given in the studies, nor is it liable for any consequence stemming from the reuse of this publication.
- Study supporting the evaluation of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) performance in relation to its objectives, mandate and tasks as set out in Regulation (EU) 2018/1139
- Study on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the aviation market
- Study on urban mobility interconnection with air transport infrastructure
- Study supporting the impact assessment of the ReFuelEU Aviation initiative
- Study on Air Traffic Controller (ATCO) and Engineering Staff (ATSEP) social issues and working conditions
- Sustainable finance taxonomy for the aviation sector
- Study on the economic developments of the EU air transport market
- Assistance for the implementation of performance and charging schemes for the single European sky for oversight competences
- Ex-post evaluation of regulation (EU) no 376/2014 on the reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation
- Legal, economic, and regulatory aspects of ATM data services provision and capacity on demand as part of the future European air space architecture
- Support Study for the ex-post evaluation of Regulation 80/2009 on a Code of Conduct for Computerised Reservation
- Support study to the evaluation of cost allocation to marketable terminal air navigation services
- Taxes in the Field of Aviation and their impact
- Evaluation of Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005 on the establishment of a Community list of air carriers subject to an operating ban in the Community
- Study on employment and working conditions of aircrews in the EU internal aviation market
- SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) report on ADS-B and other means of surveillance implementation status
- Impact assessment of options for the regulatory approach in RP3 of the SES Performance and Charging Schemes
- Support study to the evaluation of Regulation (EU) No 996/2010 on the Investigation and Prevention of Accidents and Incidents in Civil Aviation
- Support study to the Ex-post evaluation of Directive 2009/12/EC on Airport Charges
- Study on Options to Improve ATM Service Continuity in the Event of Strikes
- Study on Functional Airspace Blocks
- Ex-post Evaluation of the Performance & Charging Schemes in RP1-2015
- Airport ownership and management and the ground handling market in selected non-EU countries
- Review of the Network Manager
- Analysis and recommendation on collection of data in the field of general aviation in Europe
- Study on employment and working conditions in air transport and airports
- Study on the resources deployed in the area of European aviation safety before and after the creation of EASA
- Policy options for the modulation of charges in the Single European Sky
- Study on employment and working conditions in air transport and airports
- Airport Accessibility in Europe
- Security: Legal situation regarding security of flights from third countries to the EU
- Possible revision of Directive 96/67/EC on access to the groundhandling market at Community airports
- Environment: Lower NOx at Higher Altitudes. Policies to Reduce the Climate Impact of Aviation NOx Emission
- Study on Consumer Protection against Aviation Bankruptcy
- Study on the Impact of Directive 96/67/EC on Ground Handling Services 1996-2007
- Internal market: Social developments in the EU air transport sector
- Evaluation of Functional Airspace Block (FAB) initiatives and their contribution to performance Improvement
- Final report
- Executive final report
The report "Evaluation of Functional Airspace Block (FAB) initiatives and their contribution to performance improvement" has been produced by the independent Performance Review Commission (PRC) of Eurocontrol upon the request of the European Commission.
It provides a factual and independent assessment of the nine Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB) initiatives as of 1st July 2008. It identifies a number of key factual assessments and proposes several recommendations to Member States, the European Commission and ATM stakeholders to foster the creation of FABs with a view to improving ATM performance in Europe.
- Environment: Aircraft Noise Exposure at and around Community Airports : Evaluation of the Effect of Measures to Reduce Noise
- International Aviation: The European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) and the Western Balkans: Domestic Reforms and Regional Integration in Air Transport
- Security: Facilitation of Aviation Security Feasibility Study of “Registered Passenger” Concept
- Passenger Rights: Review of Regulation 261/2004
- Internal market: Air and Rail competition and complementarity
- Internal market: Transparency of airline tickets
- Evaluation of the impact of the Single European Sky (SES) initiative on ATM performance
- Functioning of the Internal Market
- Part 1: Air Transport Infrastructures in the New EU Member States
This part looks in great detail at all airports open to commercial traffic in the "EU10+2" countries. It is composed of 12 individual country reports. All non restricted aspects have been taken into consideration: traffic data, financial information, contact information, technical data, history, past, present and future investments, etc. In order to show the physical look of each airport a comprehensive set of colour photos is provided. - Part 2: Land-use planning and management in the EU
This part is a comprehensive stocktaking exercise that explores and explains on the one hand how land-use planning and management is done in the various Member States and then explains how these systems are applied to the planning and land-use management around airports. Again 25 individual country reports and a conclusions report are provided. The latter brings together the lessons learned and provides summaries for each country.
- Part 1: Air Transport Infrastructures in the New EU Member States
- Impact of the introduction of secondary trading at Community airports
- Environment: Assessing the Economic Costs of Night Flight Restrictions
- Environment: Sound Noise Limits - Options for a uniform noise limiting scheme for EU airports
- Pilot phase of the Community Air Passanger Reporting System
- Impact Assessment on the extension of EASA competences to ANS, ATM and Airports
- SESAR: Assessment of options, benefits and associated costs of the SESAME Programme for the definition of the future air traffic management system
- Environment: Different aspects of noise limits at airports
- Provision of aeronautical information for the European Upper Flight Information Region (EUIR)
- Financing of air traffic management (ATM) to achieve the Single European Sky
- Security: European Civil Aviation Security Financing
- Study to assess the effects of different slot allocation schemes
- Environment: Current and Future Aircraft Noise Exposure at and around Community Airports
- Internal market: The potential impact of proposed amendments to Council Regulation 2299/89 with regard to Computerised Reservation Systems (Brattle Group and Norton Rose)
- Implementation rules of economic regulation within the framework of the implementation of the single Sky
- Definition of the priorities for Single European Sky implementation rules related to the interoperability of the European Air Traffic Management Network
- Common requirements for the provision of air navigation services
- Review of air traffic control training requirements with a view to reinforcing harmonisation and increasing mobility
- Impediments to the recruitment of air traffic controllers
- Roadmap for the introduction of satellite navigation in European Air Traffic Management (ATM)
- Roadmap for the implementation of data link services in European Air Traffic Management (ATM)
- Benchmarking For Best Practices In Air Traffic Management in European Union candidate States
- Benchmarking For Best Practices In Air Traffic Management (European Community)
- Environment: Economic incentives to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from air transport in Europe
- Analysis of the Provision of Meteorological Services in the Framework of the Single European Sky
- Institutional issues concerning joint developments in the field of Flight Data Processing systems
- Quality and efficiency of ground handling services at EU airports as a result of the implementation of Council Directive 96/67 EC