The studies are subject to the copyright notice and reuse policy of the European Commission. The studies have been carried out for the European Commission and express the opinions of the organisations having undertaken them. The views have not been adopted or in any way approved by the European Commission and should not be relied upon as a statement of the European Commission's views. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information given in the studies, nor is it liable for any consequence stemming from the reuse of this publication.
- Support study for the development of a living inventory of relevant instruments to support investments in the shipping sector
- Greening of European sea ports
- Impact assessment support study for the revision of Directive 2005/44/EC on harmonised river information services (RIS)
- Impact assessment of Directive 2005/35/EC on ship-source pollution
- Identifying criteria for determining whether a ship produces reduced quantities of waste and manages it in a sustainable and environmentally sound manner
- Assessment of impacts from accelerating the uptake of sustainable alternative fuels in maritime transport
- Development of a methodology to assess the 'green' impacts of investment in the maritime sector and projects
- Assessment of potential of maritime and inland ports and inland waterways and of related policy measures, including industrial policy measures
- Study on social aspects within the maritime transport sector
- Support action for contributing to the establishment of an EMSWe data set
- Assessment of specific EU stability requirements for ro-ro passenger ships
- State of play and barriers to the use of electronic transport documents for freight transport: Options for EU level policy interventions.
- Ex-post evaluation of Reporting Formalities Directive (RFD) and Directive on Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information Systems (VTMIS)
- Support study for an Impact Assessment for the Revision of Directive 2000/59/EC on Port Reception Facilities
- Differentiated port infrastructure charges to promote environmentally friendly maritime transport activities and sustainable transportation
- The possible introduction of an electronic tag as a supplement or a replacement of the wheel mark in marine equipment
- Study on the implementation of labour supplying responsibilities pursuant to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006)
- Study on the Completion of an EU Framework on LNG-fuelled Ships and its Relevant Fuel Provision Infrastructure
- Study on the Analysis and Evolution of International and EU Shipping
- Analysis of recent trends in EU shipping and analysis and policy support to improve the competitiveness of Short Sea Shipping in the EU
- Ex-Post evaluation of Directive 2000/59/EC on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues
- Independent Study on the level reached in the process of harmonising the rules and procedures and on Mutual Recognition (MR) of certificates for materials, equipment and components, pursuant to Article 10.2 of Regulation (EC) 391/2009
- Portius - Port Labour in the EU - Labour Market, Qualifications & Training, Health & Safety
- Support study for an Impact Assessment on: Directive 2002/59/EC as amended - "The Union Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System"
- Study to assess the future evolution of SafeSeaNet to support CISE and other communities - Executive Summary
- Study on the feasibility of improved co-operation between bodies carrying out European Coast Guard functions
- First report of port market trends: transhipment volumes
- Support study for an impact assessment on: "the establishment of a European framework for granting PECs"
- Study on reporting obligation resulting from directive 2010/65/EU (request for services MOVE/D1/2012-376)
- Study aimed at supporting an impact assessment on: "Measures to enhance the efficiency and quality of port services in the EU"
- Portius Legal Study 2013 - Port Labour Regimes in the EU Member States: Fact Finding Exercise.
- Study on eu seafarers employment - final report
- Presentation for a study on Pilotage Exemption Certificates
- Study for the Analysis and the Conceptual Development of a European Port Access System (EPAIC II)
- Benchmarking strategy options for European Shipping and for the European Maritime Transport System in the horizon 2008-2018 (OPTIMAR)
TEN-T Motorways of the Sea projects
June 2006