Programmes and projects
In the field of urban mobility research, an extensive range of research, applied research and demonstration activities have been financed over recent years.
Information on many of these projects, as well as best practices, news stories and training material, can be found on ELTIS, the European web portal on urban transport and mobility.
The CIVITAS Initiative helps cities across Europe to implement and test innovative and integrated strategies which address energy, transport and environmental objectives. So far, projects in 59 cities have been or are being supported. The annual CIVITAS Forum brings together practitioners and politicians from the CIVITAS cities. Dedicated actions help the wider take up of the CIVITAS results.
7th RTD Framework Programme
Current research, applied research and demonstration activities are implemented through the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. Research covers the fields of alternative motor fuels (biofuels and hydrogen fuel cells), including their application in transport, and urban mobility research (including the next generation of vehicles, new mobility concepts, non-polluting modes of transport, demand management, and tools to support policy development and implementation).
European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Smart Cities and Communities
The aim of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Smart Cities and Communities is to help cities and communities, business and civil society to implement smart city solutions at much greater scale and speed. The Commission has proposed to link in this EIP the areas of energy, transport and ICT in order to improve services whilst reducing energy consumption and pollution.
Intelligent Energy Europe programme (STEER)
Activities funded by the transport strand of the Intelligent Energy Europe programme (STEER) promote a more sustainable use of energy in transport (i.e. increased energy efficiency, new and renewable fuel sources, and the take-up of alternatively propelled vehicles). The specific focus is on alternative vehicle propulsion, policy measures for the more efficient use of energy in transport, and strengthening the knowledge of local management agencies in the transport field.
The urban dimension in Community policies
Sustainable development of urban areas is covered by initiatives from various Community policies and programmes. The European Commission has produced two guides that explain the regulatory and financial framework relevant to urban areas. One guide deals with the urban dimension in cohesion policy, the other one the urban dimension in other Community policies.
CLARS platform
(Charging, Low Emission Zones, other Access Regulation Schemes)
This platform allows best practice to be shared, to make schemes more successful and easier to implement. If you are planning a scheme, you do not need to re-invent the wheel.
European Mobility Week
This is an annual campaign running from 16 to 22 September every year, which aims to encourage European local authorities to introduce and promote sustainable transport measures and to invite their residents to try out alternatives to car use. The week culminates in the "In Town Without My Car!' event, where towns and cities reserve their streets for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport.
Membership to the CLARS platform
7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development