European Regional Development Fund
Find inspiration and innovative solutions for your city
This sixth and final journal of the Co-City project introduce you to the final steps of the Co-City Turin project, drawing also from the Co-City Final...
The purpose of this 2nd Zoom-in is to provide a concise and accessible overview of the analytical grid construed through the UIA Co-City journals and ...
UIA Expert Christian Iaione gives an update on the progress of 6 Co-City's pacts of collaborations and analyses how they played a role in enabling co-...
A discussion with Emanuela Casula, CO-CITY financial manager ...
The Co-City project has now come to an end. In this Journal 5, the UIA Expert Christian Iaione reflects on some preliminary conclusions that can be dr...
The city of Turin, thanks to the Co-City project, is now considered one of the most advanced experiment in Europe for the creation of new forms of man...
UIA Expert Christian Iaione has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Turi...
Get to know better what Turin is doing in this UIA Expert journal!...
UIA Expert Christian Iaione describes the progress made on the Pacts of Collaboration. ...
By addressing social exclusion and urban poverty, through public-private-community partnerships and innovative procurement, the Turin Co-City project ...
This latest Journal of the MAC Project is a critical narrative of a project that encountered many complicated moments to deal with during its implemen...
UIA Expert Pietro Elisei highlights in this video the steps being taken to bring new opportunities to the Monterusciello neighbourhood...
There are several elements of innovation within the urban regeneration path activated by the MAC project in Pozzuoli. ...
The current issue of the Journal focuses on the design and implementation path that has characterized the last 12 months, underlining the positive imp...
In this edition of MAC Journal, UIA Experts Pietro Elisei presents the implementation challenges and developments faced by the project. ...
Get to know better what Pozzuoli is doing on urban poverty in this UIA Expert journal. ...
UIA Expert Pietro Elisei has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Pozzuol...
Get the latest news about Pozzuoli’s project!...
The UIA Expert Pietro Elisei, in the second zoom-in for the MAC project, focuses his lens on the project process and on design pillars. ...
The City government of Milan decided to set up an urban coalition with a series of partners (Universities, companies, associations) in order to apply ...
The last year of OpenAgri wasn’t an easy one. After more than three years, the project is coming to an end, and it is time to celebrate its results an...
The Municipality of Milan organised in June a two day event to discuss the future skills, new technologies, narratives and policies with which cities ...
In this last Zoom-in of Open-Agri, UIA Expert Miguel Sousa reflects on how the project has embedded an urban metabolism approach, with the aim of ensu...
In the fourth edition of OpenAgri Journal, the UIA Expert Miguel Sousa, presents the synergies and integration of the project into the broader Milan C...
Read the final report with conclusions from the jobs and skills in the local economy capitalisation activities...
Get to know better what Milan is doing in this UIA Expert journal!...
UIA Expert Miguel Sousa has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Milan fo...
In this first Zoom-In, the UIA Expert Miguel Sousa looked at one of the innovative aspects of the OpenAgri project in Milan, the Experimentation Labor...
In the third edition of the OpenAgri journal, the UIA expert Miguel Sousa, gives a complete overview of the latest development and challenges faced by...
In this Zoom-in, Miguel Sousa, UIA Expert for the OpenAgri presents an innovative instrument developed in the framework of the project: The Open Badge...
Get to know better what Bologna is doing on the topic integration of migrants and refugees in this UIA Expert journal....
The City of Verona, Italy, has presented S.T.E.P.S. (Shared Time Enhances People Solidarity) at an expert workshop organised by the Joint Research Cen...
This final Journal provides an overview of the progress and long-term impact of the Air-Break project in Ferrara, focusing on the key components that ...
Citizen science, a method that brings non-experts into the fold of scientific research and data collection, has emerged as a powerful tool in addressi...
Air-Break's comprehensive dataset transforms Ferrara's urban planning, providing real-time air quality and mobility insights....
In this Zoom-In, UIA Expert Pietro L. Verga navigates through the transformative impact of FBK's Air-Break Sustainable Mobility Motivational Campaigns...
With the project approaching its end in December 2023, this Journal Nr. 3 reflects on a number of core lessons learnt during the implementation of Air...
In the pursuit of creating smarter and more sustainable urban environments, the Air-Break Ferrara project has embarked on a mission to revolutionize t...
How to actively engage youth, researchers, and experts in exploring innovative solutions to contemporary environmental challenges? ...
Through a set of playful activities and gamified rewarding campaigns, the Air-Break project sets to bring about positive change in citizens’ mobility ...
In order to better understand the commuting practices, habits, and trends of Ferrara’s citizens and city-users, and ultimately to inform policy decisi...
This second Journal focuses on the achievements of- and challenges for all the core realms of the Air-Break project until October 2022....
Since March 2022, a new urban forest is growing in Ferrara, thanks to the plantation of nearly two-thousands trees and shrubs in five selected areas o...
The Air-Break project seeks to reduce by 25% air-pollution in selected strategic areas of the City of Ferrara. The city lays in one of the most air-po...
The air we breathe can contain a variety of pollutants released into the atmosphere as a mixture of solid particles, liquid droplets, and gases from a...
The UIA Expert Simone d’Antonio provides an update on what has happened with the project since its end date, with a focus on the impact produced in th...
2022 was a crucial year in which some of the most important activities developed: The urban data platform has been finalised; The projects ended in D...
2021 was a passing year. Some delays due to covid-19 hampers 2021 from being the crucial year of the success or unsuccess of the project. However impo...
The Tonite project includes two important urban renewal interventions. Today we talk with Valter Cavallaro and Samantha Ghirotto of the Municipality o...
In the framework of the Tonite project, a tender was launched with the goal of collecting proposals from local communities. The aims of the project ar...
Tonite project aims at improving urban security perception at night-time by providing new services with the citizens' engagement and more pro-active a...
Last April, the teams leading the Call 4 UIA Projects for urban security got together for an online meet-up: different cities, different contexts, one...
The resurgence of Coronavirus cases in recent days, making it clear that this second wave is upon us in Europe, is a good opportunity to focus our att...
The Prato Urban Jungle project has come to an end! It has been a very long journey, the project has overcome a series of challenges (from a pandemic...
Over the past years an increasing attention towards environmental justice is gaining more public attention through media, activism and civic participa...
The PUJ project has continued experimenting and testing nature-based solution to create urban jungles and forests in Prato! ...
The PUJ project in Prato has been selected as one of the twelve good practice cities within the study on Integrated Territorial Development (ITD) as p...
Recently the City of Prato was recognised under the EU Mission for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, which offers a great potential towards the upscal...
The Prato Urban Jungle project tested nature based solutions (NBS) in different pilot sites of the city in order to carry out innovative strategies to...
Within the Prato Urbact Jungle project, Legambiente developed the "Create Your Own Jungle" course, where during the classes, participants learnt how t...
The green interventions at “Nuovo Ospedale Santo Stefano'' of Prato will create a new urban park within the city bridging the gap between health and b...
Legambiente is a non-profit association, made up of citizens who care about the protection of the environment in all its forms, the quality of life an...
Prato Forest City is the new strategic approach to urban planning, developed by the Municipality of Prato....
greenApes is a digital platform that engages and rewards actions and sustainable lifestyles: users accumulate reward points through their sustainable ...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti focuses her first journal on presenting the main objectives of the Prato Urban Jungle project, the pilot sites, the consortiu...
Prato Urban Jungle – PUJ – project will renew its city districts with greater social, productive and environmental dimensions turning itself into an u...
The most important goal achieved by the Upper Project is that knowledge of NbSs and their potential impact on marginal areas has been gained by the lo...
The Productive parks and Demonstration sites included in the Upper project today represent milestones from which the current and future government of ...
The results of the UPPER project demonstrate how NbS (Nature Based Solutions) offer the opportunity to practice transdisciplinary dialogues, to spread...
There were various environmental critical issues highlighted by the UPPER project for the territory of the Municipality of Latina, for which a range o...
The Canale delle Acque Medie (The Canal of the Middle Waters) symbolizes an element of structural interest for the urban center of Latina, representin...
After the success of the 2021 edition, the 2022 UPPER SEEDs were kicked off on 13 June. The activities in which citizens, schools and all those who h...
The selection of participants in the second edition of UPPER JOBS has been completed. The participants selected by the Labirinto Social Cooperative ha...
Thanks to the creation of two innovative platforms developed by the partners and integrated into a common observatory, the UPPER project is able to co...
The Journal is aimed to describe the activities of the UPPER project and the results achieved during the first period of implementation. It also descr...
UPPER project aims at transforming misused and abandoned urban green areas into Productive Parks (PP) devoted to research, technological development a...
This Journal marks the end of the Capacityes project, which has successfully wrapped up its activities in its final year. The journey wasn't easy, esp...
On Saturday, 6 May 2023, an event organised by the Municipality of Bergamo, the CAPACITyES project partners, together with stakeholders from the local...
The Capacityes project revolves around three central initiatives that reflect the regenerative path in Bergamo, with a particular focus on the Borgo P...
The annual national meeting of ANCI, which this year was held in Bergamo, was an opportunity to have a moment of direct comparison with various Italia...
This zoom-in, the second and final one of CAPACITyES, highlights how difficult it can be to complete redevelopment works in a period characterized by ...
In the Capacityes project, the active involvement of children and adolescents is reflected in the design and construction of the Hub4Kids. This struct...
The CAPACITyES project focuses on the fight against urban poverty. The added value of this approach lies in the fact that the project puts on the tabl...
Implementing projects accepted by local communities and, consequently, characterized by different types of sustainability, requires a long and methodi...
The CAPACITyES PROJECT identifies and manages the problems of urban poverty and marginalization through an urban regeneration paths characterized by ...
The low numbers of infected people during the summer made it possible to have an important dialogue with the target groups of the Capacityes project. ...
Bergamo had the great misfortune of being among the first cities in Europe to have been affected by the effects of COVID 19, when all over Europe it w...
DARE is an innovative urban regeneration project that instead of focusing uniquely on the physical environment, has invested in the skills and ambitio...
Changing the narrative of a neighbourhood can be just as important in urban regeneration as changing its physical fabric. However, imposing a story on...
Digital democracy or e-democracy tools have been frequently used to overcome the trust gap between citizens and public administrations, by lowering th...
Participatory urbanism has become a buzzword in the past decade. Participation in urban processes can range from consultation on single issues, to co-...
Financing territorial redevelopment is largely seen as a top-down process with priorities defined by public administrations at the local, regional or ...
Property development is a long-term genre, with processes between vision, programming, design, development and inauguration that may take years if not...
Digital platforms and tools have been increasingly central elements of urban planning and design. With the proliferation of digital instruments using ...
Urban transformation, especially in the form of large urban development projects, is often seen as primarily top-down, regulated by public administrat...
DARE is an innovative urban regeneration project that instead of focusing uniquely on the physical environment, invests in the skills of its inhabitan...
Many urban regeneration schemes focus on architectural interventions or masterplans that aim to transform the social fabric of an area through shaping...
The DARE (Digital Environment for collaborative Alliances to Regenerate urban Ecosystems in middle-sized cities) project connects urban regeneration w...
Ravenna's Darsena area has been a delicate spot on the city’s map. After a process of deindustrialisation and a series of attempts to regenerate the f...
Podcast with Action Aid...
This is the third WISH-MI journal and the first that has been produced since the full implementation of the project. ...
The City of Milan is opening new avenues in its drive to improve youth well-being in the city. To coincide with World Play Day, WISH-MI has launched a...
WISH-MI aims to improve levels of youth wellbeing in the city of Milan. Improving the quality of, and access to, available services, is an important p...
The City of Milan has launched a digital platform to offer wellbeing services to its young people and families. The platform is now operational, comp...
Wish-Mi is an ambitious wellbeing strategy for the young people of Milan. The model comprises a digital hub, enabling access to services, combined wit...
The second WISH-MI journal presents the state of play as the project prepares to go live. It draws upon material gathered during the expert visit to M...
A sneak peek of the WISH-MI hubs. City of Milan Director, Sabina Banfi. Shares her thoughts on the project’s new youth spaces with UIA Expert Eddy Ada...
Milan is one of a number of UIA cities exploring innovative financial tools to nudge behaviours. This article explores the Milan vouchers model, and t...
Milan is a city of 1.4 million people, 230,000 of whom are minors. It has a wide and growing rate of inequality, with 30% of its population either in ...
This slide deck shares the content and learnings from the WISH-MI youth co-design webinar held on 9th June 2021. ...
Like many cities, Milan faces the challenge of widening inequalities. This risk particularly affect the city's most vulnerable young people. The UIA W...
AIR-HERITAGE aims to improve the City of Portici’s knowledge on local air pollution, through monitoring and modeling air quality, so that the city can...
AIR-HERITAGE aims to address air pollution in the City of Portici. A key element of the project is actively engaging citizens throughout the process. ...
AIR-HERITAGE aims to address air pollution in Portici. A key element of the project is actively engaging citizens throughout the process. In this cont...
AIR-HERITAGE aims to improve the City of Portici’s knowledge on local air pollution so that the city can more effectively address this issue. More spe...
This second Journal presents AIR-HERITAGE key achievements to date and describes how the various challenges faced, have evolved over time, as well as ...
The first AIR-HERITAGE zoom-in focuses on the technical aspects of the project. It aims to present the Decision Support Tool developed for supporting ...
Andriana Stavrakaki, UIA expert for the AIR-HERITAGE project, in this journal edition describes the measures put in place by the City of Portici to ov...
After the testimonies of Turin and Rotterdam, you can now read the story from the city of Bologna, one of the three urban authorities that have built ...
After the testimonies of Bologna, Rotterdam and Turin, you can now read the story from the city of Ravenna, which built upon its experiences in URBACT...
In this podcast series I will be discussing the concrete experience, challenges and learnings of the Urban Innovative Actions project Air-Break Ferrar...
UIA Expert Pietro L. Verga interviews Gabriele Mengozzi (HERA Group) on the main features of the Smart Hubs developed in Ferrara to support and facili...
The Smart Bike Lane is part of the infrastructural upgrades plan through which the Air-Break project is facilitating slow mobility within the city of ...
This Zoom-In describes in detail the participatory air-quality monitoring system designed and implemented by the AIR BREAK Ferrara project....
The City of Prato is experimenting urban forestation strategies through the Prato Urban Jungle (PUJ) project . The project foresees three pilot areas ...
The territory changes with physical work, but also through the story, the memory, the imagination of change. The UPPER stories are a collection of n...
Children's imagination can make our cities more welcoming and harbingers of inclusion-oriented messages, of symbolic meanings that can enrich our expe...
The Urban Innovative Actions-funded project DARE is a non-conventional urban regeneration project that instead of focusing uniquely on the physical en...
In this first Zoom-in for the UIA project DARE, Levente Polyak explores the digital platform conceived to support the transformation of Ravenna's Dars...
Turin_COCITY_UIA Expert Journal 4 (Sptb 2019)
Turin_CO-CITY_Call for Collaboration Proposals
Turin_CO-CITY_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Turin_CO-CITY_Zoom-in1_Article (July2018)
Turin_CO-CITY_UIAExpertJournal2 (June 2018)
Turin_CoCity_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Jan 2018)
CoCity Zoom-in 2
Pozzuoli_MAC_Journal 5 (April 2020)
Pozzuoli_MAC_Zoom-in (Sptb 2019)
Pozzuoli_MAC_UIAExpertJournal4 (March 2019)
Pozzuoli_MAC_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Pozzuoli_MAC_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2018)
Pozzuoli_MAC_UIAExpertJournal1 (Dcb 2017)
Milan_OpenAgri_Journal 4
Milan_OpenAgri_Zoom-in (Sptb 2019)
Milan_OpenAgri_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Milan_OpenAgri_Zoom-in 1 (Sptb 2018)
Milan_OpenAgri_UIAExpertJournal2 (June 2018)
Milan_OpenAgri_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Dcb 2017)
Participative Urban Metabolism Open Agri - ZOOM IN 3
OpenAgri @Milan - Journal5
Bologna_SALUS_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Dcb 2017)
Portici_Air-Heritage_Journal 1 (Jan 2020)