European Regional Development Fund
Find inspiration and innovative solutions for your city
UIA Expert Zeno Winkels provides insights on the legacy of the FED project one year after its successful end. As he mentions: “The main legacy of the ...
UIA Expert Zeno Winkels describes how “at the Chalmers campus in Gothenburg, the 6500 kW steam boiler was installed, as well as the more novel PCM (Ph...
On the last day of October 2019, the Fossil-free Energy Districts (FED) project will be completed. The collaboration has, during three years, designed...
Get to know better what Gothenburg is doing on the topic energy transition in this UIA Expert journal....
UIA Expert Zeno Winkels has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Gothenbu...
Check out how Gothenburg is implementing effective cross departmental working....
The UIA Expert Zeno Winkels has produced a video to discuss what UIA is and explain the main elements of this Energy transition project....
Gothenburg is heading towards a successful closure. ...
This final journal provides an assessment of the DIACCESS project. It starts with brief update of the activities in the DIACCESS project since it’s en...
There is a lot of work to be done in digitalization, in the private and the public sector. Companies and governments everywhere are doing their best t...
Digital technology can make household waste collection in cities more efficient and speed up the circular transition. Putting sensors in waste bins ca...
Executive Summary The project has entered its extension stage; the digital lab and IT platform are completed. Three innovation partnership procurem...
This zoom-in focuses on the challenge of upscaling, with illustrative examples from the DIACCESS project. In that project, the Swedish city of Växjö i...
This article reviews how the cities of Växjö and Amsterdam adopt innovative procurement methods, and the challenges they face. ...
This zoom-in focuses on the innovation partnership (IP) model. This model opens new avenues for public bodies, including cities, to co-create solution...
This journal provides an update of the progress of the project at the time of writing (November 2021) in the three main domains: the innovative public...
A cornerstone of the DIACCESS project in Växjö is to run a series of innovative public procurement (IPP) processes/rounds, in which companies are aske...
This journal gives an account of the first experiences in the DIACCESS project in Växjö, Sweden...
If a soccer field is covered with a thick layer of snow, it’s better to close it for use or remove the snow; otherwise the field gets broken and repai...
Gothenburg_FED_Journal 5 (Octb 2019)
Gothenburg_FED_Zoom-in 2 (June 2019)
Gothenburg_FED_UIAExpertJournal 4 (March 2019)
Gothenburg_FED_UIAExpertJournal3 (December 2018)
Gothenburg_FED_UIAExpertJournal2 (July 2018)
Gothenburg_FED_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Dcb 2017)