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University of Texas at Dallas Athletics


The Official Athletics webSite of The University of Texas at Dallas


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Gambling & Sports Wagering
The NCAA is proud of you for becoming a college student-athlete. It is proud of our country's long tradition of college sports. It wants to protect your bright future and the integrity of sports. That's why NCAA rules prohibit sports gambling of any kind by college student-athletes, coaches, trainers or anyone else involved with college sports.
As a college student-athlete, you must follow the rules of the NCAA. One of the rules, NCAA Bylaw 10.3, specifically prohibits sports gambling.
In clear, simple language, here's what the rule means:

You may not place any bet of any sort on any college or professional sports event.
You may not give information to anyone who does place bets on college or professional sports.

That means...
• NO wagers for any item (e.g., cash, shirt, dinner) on ANY professional or college sports event, even those that don't involve your college.
• NO sports "pools," even those run by your friends in the dorm.
• NO Internet gambling on sports events.
• NO fantasy leagues that award a prize and require a fee to participate.
• NO sports wagering using "800" numbers.
• NO exchange of information about your team with ANYONE who gambles. In other words, no information about injuries, new plays, team morale, discipline problems, or anything else.
NCAA rules are clear. The minute you are discovered to have made a bet of any kind on any college or professional sport ...Or to have given information to someone who does gamble ...

You are declared ineligible to compete in college sports. You are off the team.
If you accept or place a bet on any college or professional team other than your own, you will automatically be suspended for a minimum of one year and be charged with a season of competition.
If you accept or place a bet on any team at your school, you will be permanently ineligible. You risk losing your sports scholarship, being expelled from the school altogether, and/or being banned from other college and professional sports.
You also run the risk of being arrested and charged with a crime. That's because sports wagering is illegal in every state except Nevada. Sports bribery is illegal in every state. And even in Nevada, it is against NCAA rules for a student-athlete to make any wager on a sports event.