Sustainable Use of Pesticides

Directive 2009/128/EC aims to achieve a sustainable use of pesticides in the EU by reducing the risks and impacts of pesticide use on human health and the environment and promoting the use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and of alternative approaches or techniques, such as non-chemical alternatives to pesticides. EU countries have drawn up National Action Plans to implement the range of actions set out in the Directive. The main actions relate to training of users, advisors and distributors of pesticides, inspection of pesticide application equipment, the prohibition of aerial spraying, limitation of pesticide use in sensitive areas, and information and awareness raising about pesticide risks. EU countries must also promote Integrated Pest Management, for which, general principles are laid down in Annex III to the Directive. The main purpose of this web-portal is to provide key information on the sustainable use of pesticides and links to relevant information contained on official websites in the Member States. The presence or absence of links to relevant areas are at the discretion of the Member States concerned. Member States are responsible for ensuring that linked sites are necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date. The Commission assumes no responsibility for linked external sites over which the Commission services have no control. More information is available here: Sustainable use of pesticides (

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Member state Submission date Description Link Areas
Austria 2019-09-11 Results of Austria (2011-2017) - Harmonised Risk Indicators/Information and Awareness Raising
Austria 2018-02-27 Nachhaltige Verwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln und Nationaler Aktionsplan - Integrated Pest Management/National Action Plans
Austria 2018-02-07 - Information and Awareness Raising/National Action Plans/Updates of NAPs
Austria 2017-11-06 Allgemeine Unfallsversicherungsanstalt - Information and Awareness Raising
Austria 2017-11-06 Vergiftungsinformationszentrale - Information and Awareness Raising
Austria 2017-11-06 Amtlicher Pflanzenschutzdienst - Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management
Austria 2017-10-11 Die Zulassung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln wird vom Bundesamt für Ernährungssicherheit (BAES) per Bescheid ausgesprochen. - CA Contact Points/National Laws on SUD/Training and Certification of Operators
Austria 2017-10-11 Aktuelle Informationen sind auf der Webseite der AGES abrufbar. - Information and Awareness Raising
Austria 2017-10-11 Das Bio-Aktionsprogramm des BMLFUW dient als Richtlinie für die in den kommenden Jahren geplante Unterstützung der Biologischen Landwirtschaft in Österreich. - Integrated Pest Management/National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD/National Targets
Austria 2017-10-11 Mit dem „Programm für Forschung und Entwicklung im Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (BMLFUW) 2016 – 2020“ (PFEIL20) wurde in Schwerpunkt für die pflanzliche Produktion gesetzt. - Integrated Pest Management/National Action Plans
Austria 2017-10-11 Die Europäische Innovationspartnerschaft „Landwirtschaftliche Produktivität und Nachhaltigkeit“ ist ein neues Konzept der EU zur Förderung von Innovationen in der Landwirtschaft. - Integrated Pest Management
Austria 2017-10-11 Zielsetzung des Geschäftsfeldes sind einwandfreie landwirtschaftliche Betriebsmittel einschließlich Futtermittel zur Ernährungssicherung und Sicherung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion in Österreich. - Advisory Services/Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management/Pesticide Application Management/Training and Certification of Operators
Austria 2017-10-11 Mit kulturspezifischen Warndiensten und mit der Anwendungsberatung werden die beruflichen Verwenderinnen und Verwender dabei unterstützt, Pflanzenschutzmittel zielgerichtet und bedarfsorientiert einzusetzen. - Advisory Services/Integrated Pest Management/National Targets/Pesticide Application Management
Austria 2017-10-11 Umweltschonende Bewirtschaftung der landwirtschaftlichen Flächen durch Förderung einer umweltgerechten, extensiven und den natürlichen Lebensraum schützenden Landwirtschaft. - Integrated Pest Management/National Action Plans/Training and Certification of Operators
Austria 2017-10-11 Initiative seit dem Jahr 2014 um den Dialog zwischen den Stakeholdern zu fördern. - Information and Awareness Raising
Belgium 2024-09-26 Partie wallonne du Plan d’action national belge pour 2023-2027 - National Action Plans
Belgium 2024-09-04 Brussels part of the Belgian National Action Plan for 2023-2027 (French version) - National Action Plans
Belgium 2024-09-04 Brussels part of the Belgian National Action Plan for 2023-2027 (Dutch version) - National Action Plans
Belgium 2024-08-29 Federal part of the Belgian National Action Plan for 2023-2027 (French version) - National Action Plans
Belgium 2024-08-29 Federal part of the Belgian National Action Plan for 2023-2027 (Dutch version) - National Action Plans
Belgium 2021-08-31 HRIs and Priority items - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Belgium 2021-02-12 Progress report of the 2018-2022 programme for the NAPAN - Progress Reports
Belgium 2020-05-14 Belgian National Action Plan (NAPAN) updated on May 2020 - National Action Plans/Updates of NAPs
Belgium 2019-09-09 HRI1 and HRI2 for Belgium for the 2011-2017 period. Indicators are briefly introduced. - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Belgium 2018-09-18 This report of the NAPAN presents the results of actions carried out by the federal and regional authorities during the 2013-2017 period. This report is available in EN for a summarized form and in FR, NL or DE for more detailed parts. - Progress Reports
Belgium 2017-12-20 Part of the Belgian NAP managed by the Brussels-Capital Region - Information and Awareness Raising/National Action Plans
Belgium 2017-10-10 Part of the Belgian NAP managed by federal authorities mainly competent for placing PPP on the market, Food chain safety and Public health. - Information and Awareness Raising/Member State SUD Homepage/National Action Plans/National Indicators/Progress Reports/Updates of NAPs
Bulgaria 2022-12-20 National Action Plan, ecological assessment, harmonized risk indicators, analysis of trends, priority, and good practices in the context of harmonised risk indicators under Directive 2009/128/?? for the periods 2011-2020 and 2011-2019 - Harmonised Risk Indicators/Member State SUD Homepage/National Action Plans/Updates of NAPs
Bulgaria 2020-09-18 Harmonized risk indicators in Bulgaria for the period 2011-2017 - Harmonised Risk Indicators/Member State SUD Homepage
Cyprus 2024-12-12 Cyprus National Action Plan on Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products 2023-2028 - National Action Plans
Cyprus 2024-12-12 Harmonised Risk Indicators for Cyprus - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Cyprus 2023-05-09 Harmonised Risk Indicators for Cyprus - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Cyprus 2019-09-10 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Cyprus 2017-09-20 Cyprus National Action Plan on Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products - Information and Awareness Raising/Member State SUD Homepage/National Action Plans/Training and Certification of Operators
Czechia 2019-09-11 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Czechia 2019-06-13 Sustainable use of pesticides - National Action Plans
Czechia 2017-10-09 - Integrated Pest Management
Germany 2019-10-04 Harmonised Risk Indicators (in German) - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Germany 2020-04-23 Information on plant protection equipment - Pesticide Application Management
Germany 2020-04-23 Picture of inspection plate - Pesticide Application Management
Germany 2024-07-01 Labeling of plant protection products - Professional Users/Distributors/Advisors
Germany 2024-07-01 Personal protective equipment (PPE) - Pesticide Application Management
Germany 2017-09-14 Information about the German National Action Plan from the Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants (JKI) - Integrated Pest Management/National Indicators/Pesticide Application Management/Reviews
Germany 2020-05-27 Certificates of competence, certification of operators, distributors, advisors (in german) - Templates: Certificates of Competence (Professional Users/Distributors/Advisors)/Training and Certification of Operators
Germany 2020-04-29 Reviews for 2008 to 2011 and 2013 to 2016 are published in German - Reviews
Germany 2020-04-29 Report on domestic sales and exports of plant protection products in Germany - National Indicators
Germany 2020-04-29 Control programmes, evaluation and reports on plant protection product residues in foodstuffs - National Indicators
Germany 2020-04-24 National regulations concerning plant protection in Germany. - National Laws on SUD
Germany 2020-04-24 Proper use of plant protection products as regulated by the German Plant Protection Act - Pesticide Application Management
Germany 2020-04-23 Progress made with the German National Action Plan is reviewed with the help of a set of indicators - National Indicators/Progress Reports
Germany 2020-04-23 Main targets of the German National Action Plan - National Targets
Germany 2020-04-23 General information regarding IPM and IPM guidelines (in English) - Integrated Pest Management
Germany 2020-04-23 Brochures and leaflets related to the German National Action Plan - Information and Awareness Raising
Germany 2020-04-23 Contact points are provided on the different CA-websites - CA Contact Points
Germany 2020-04-23 Advisory services are provided by the German "Länder" - Advisory Services
Germany 2019-08-29 General information for users (in german) - Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management
Germany 2018-10-25 Legal foundations in the field of plant protection products in Germany - National Laws on SUD
Germany 2018-10-25 Consumer safety and plant protection product residues - National Indicators
Germany 2018-03-15 Predecessors of the current German National Action Plan - Updates of NAPs
Germany 2018-03-15 Training and certification of operators is provided by the German "Länder" - Training and Certification of Operators
Germany 2018-03-15 National regulations relating to the German National Action Plan (in English) - National Laws on SUD
Germany 2018-03-15 The German National Action Plan (in English) - National Action Plans
Germany 2017-09-06 Information about the National Action Plan from Germany's Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture - Information and Awareness Raising/National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD/Progress Reports/Reviews/Updates of NAPs
Germany 2017-09-06 National Action Plan Germany, official Website - Advisory Services/CA Contact Points/Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management/Member State SUD Homepage/National Action Plans/National Indicators/National Laws on SUD/National Targets/Pesticide Application Management/Progress Reports/Reviews/Updates of NAPs
Denmark 2021-09-05 HRI indicator - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Denmark 2020-10-12 HRI report Denmark - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Denmark 2020-02-04 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Denmark 2020-02-02 National Action Plan - National Action Plans
Denmark 2017-10-07 Information campaign regarding pesticide residues on fruit and vegetables - Information and Awareness Raising
Denmark 2017-10-07 Information campaign regarding use of pesticides inprivate gardens including a list of plant protection products authorised for non-professional use - Information and Awareness Raising
Denmark 2017-10-07 Information about two grant programs. One for strategic research on pesticides and one for alternative plant protection products. - Integrated Pest Management
Denmark 2017-10-07 Information about microbial plant protection products authorised in Denmark. - Integrated Pest Management
Denmark 2017-10-07 Reports containing data on the yearly sales of pesticides used in private gardens / by non-professional users. - National Indicators/National Targets
Denmark 2017-10-07 Reports containing the yearly statistics on the sales and use of pesticides in Denmark with focus on pesticides used for farming. - National Indicators/National Targets
Denmark 2017-10-07 Information about the Danish pesticide tax regulation including information about the calculation of pesticide load on environment and human healt, which is used for the calculation of the tax of the individual pesticides. - Integrated Pest Management/National Indicators/National Laws on SUD/National Targets
Denmark 2017-10-07 Information about the voluntary agreement between Minister, Regions and Municipalites on the reduction of pesticide use on public areas as well as data showing the development of the use of pesticides on public areas. - Integrated Pest Management/National Indicators/National Targets
Denmark 2017-10-07 Information about regulation and guideline concerning the use of pesticide on golf courses in Denmark as well as data from record keeping of pesticides use on golf courses. - Integrated Pest Management/National Indicators/National Laws on SUD
Denmark 2017-10-07 Information on requirements for buying, keeping, and disposal of pesticide remnants and packaging. - Information and Awareness Raising
Denmark 2017-10-07 Information of requirements for operators to keep record of pesticide application as well as for submitting such data to the authorities - Integrated Pest Management
Denmark 2017-10-07 Information about legislation and guidelines on education, certification and authorisation of operators marketing professional and non-professional pesticides and guideline on how to control if their customers fulfil authorisation requirements - Training and Certification of Operators
Denmark 2017-10-07 Information of former national pesticide action plans of Denmark - National Action Plans
Denmark 2017-10-07 Regulation and guideline on how to clean and fill pesticide application equipment with pesticides in a way to prevent risk of spilling and leaching of pesticides to nature and aquatic environment - National Laws on SUD
Denmark 2017-10-07 Information on legislation and requirements of education, certification and authorisation of pesticide operators and information on differentiation on professional and non-professional pesticides. - National Laws on SUD/Training and Certification of Operators
Estonia 2019-06-14 Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture's Plant protection Homepage - Information and Awareness Raising
- Integrated Pest Management
- National Action Plans
- National Indicators
- National Laws on SUD
- National Targets
- Harmonised Risk Indicators
- Pesticide Application Management
- Progress Reports
- Reviews
- Training and Certification of Operators
- Updates of NAPs
Estonia 2024-08-05 National Action Plan and it´s implementation reports for years 2020; 2021; 2022 and 2023 - Progress Reports
Estonia 2024-08-05 HRI 1 and HRI 2 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Estonia 2024-08-05 Updated National Action Plan for 2024-2029 - National Action Plans
Estonia 2019-06-14 list of contacts of PPP and fertilisers department - CA Contact Points
Estonia 2019-06-14 NAP, RELATED DOUCUMENTS AND ANNUAL REPORTS - National Action Plans/National Indicators/Progress Reports/Reviews/Updates of NAPs
Estonia 2023-08-04 HRI I and HRI II - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Estonia 2022-08-11 HRI 1 and HRI 2 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Estonia 2021-10-06 HRI 1 and HRI 2 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Estonia 2020-10-16 HRI 1 and HRI 2 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Estonia 2019-09-10 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Estonia 2019-06-14 - National Laws on SUD/Pesticide Application Management
Estonia 2019-06-14 - Integrated Pest Management/National Laws on SUD
Estonia 2019-06-14 - Advisory Services
Estonia 2019-06-14 - National Laws on SUD
Spain 2019-11-13 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Spain 2018-03-02 The National Action Plan 2018-2022 on Sustainable Use of Pesticides - National Action Plans
Spain 2017-10-20 Main page of the information on sustainable use of pesticides of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment of Spain - CA Contact Points/Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management/Member State SUD Homepage/National Action Plans/National Indicators/National Laws on SUD/National Targets/Pesticide Application Management/Progress Reports/Reviews/Training and Certification of Operators/Updates of NAPs
Finland 2020-01-29 Law on plant protection products 2011/1563 available in Finnish and Swedish - National Laws on SUD
Finland 2020-01-29 National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products (available in Finnish, Swedish, English) - National Action Plans/Updates of NAPs
Finland 2020-01-29 Integrated pest management available in Finnish, Swedish, English - Integrated Pest Management
Finland 2020-01-29 Training material for PPP users (in Swedish) - Information and Awareness Raising
Finland 2020-01-29 Training material for PPP users (in Finnish) - Information and Awareness Raising
Finland 2020-01-29 Available in Finnish, English, Swedish - Member State SUD Homepage
Finland 2020-01-29 Harmonised risk indicators (in Finnish) - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Finland 2020-01-29 Inspection of plant protection application equipment - Pesticide Application Management
Finland 2020-01-29 Training and certification of PPP users - Training and Certification of Operators
Finland 2020-01-29 Member State SUD homepage National Action Plans National laws on SUD - Member State SUD Homepage/National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD
Finland 2020-01-29 Harmonised risk indicators in Finland (in English) - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Finland 2020-01-29 Harmoniserade riskindikatorer på svenska - Harmonised Risk Indicators
France 2019-11-07 reference farm network : DEPHY network - Advisory Services/Integrated Pest Management
France 2019-11-07 road map on copper - National Action Plans
France 2019-11-07 government plan on pesticides - National Action Plans
France 2019-11-07 National plan for glyphosate - National Action Plans
France 2019-11-07 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
France 2019-11-07 Plan Ecophyto 2+ (2019) - Updates of NAPs
France 2019-11-07 - Updates of NAPs
France 2018-01-08 - Integrated Pest Management
France 2017-10-31 French National Action Plan : Ecophyto II - National Action Plans
France 2017-10-23 Legal basis in the Frenc law for the ban of aerial spraying of phytopharmaceutical products. - National Laws on SUD
France 2017-10-23 "GIP Pulvé" has been designated by the French competent authorities to coordinate the inspection of application equipment of phytopharmaceutical products. - CA Contact Points/Pesticide Application Management
Greece 2021-11-29 Harmonised Risk Indicators for Greece from 2011 to 2019 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Greece 2020-10-06 Greek updated National Action Plan (press on "??? 9269/246316(F?? ??4032/21.09.20) ") - National Action Plans/Updates of NAPs
Greece 2017-09-29 PESTICIDE RESISTANCE DATABASE ( IN GREEK AND ENGLISH) - Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management
Greece 2017-09-20 - National Action Plans
Greece 2017-09-20 Forecasting system-Early warnings - Advisory Services/Integrated Pest Management
Greece 2017-09-20 Olive fly ground bait applications programme - including video - Integrated Pest Management/Pesticide Application Management
Croatia 2019-10-21 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Croatia 2019-10-15 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Croatia 2019-10-15 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Croatia 2017-09-15 Information and notification related to SUD areas - Pesticide Application Management
Croatia 2017-09-15 Information and notifications related to SUD - Training and Certification of Operators
Croatia 2017-09-15 Other relevant links - Advisory Services/Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management/Pesticide Application Management
Croatia 2017-09-15 Registers - Pesticide Application Management/Training and Certification of Operators
Croatia 2017-09-15 Instructions - Pesticide Application Management
Croatia 2017-09-15 Search engine for all PPPs registered in Croatia - Pesticide Application Management
Croatia 2017-09-15 - National Laws on SUD
Croatia 2017-09-15 Documents - forms - National Action Plans/Pesticide Application Management/Training and Certification of Operators/Updates of NAPs
Croatia 2017-09-15 Information and notification related to SUD areas - National Action Plans/Updates of NAPs
Croatia 2017-09-15 Publications - Integrated Pest Management
Croatia 2017-09-15 Reporting and forecasting - Integrated Pest Management
Croatia 2017-09-15 Recommendations and advice - Integrated Pest Management
Croatia 2017-09-15 Ecology - Integrated Pest Management
Croatia 2017-09-15 Advice - Integrated Pest Management
Croatia 2017-09-15 Recommendations - Integrated Pest Management
Croatia 2017-09-15 Contact points for SUD - CA Contact Points
Croatia 2017-09-15 A public institution for advisory activity in agriculture, rural development, fisheries and improvement of management of forests and forest land of foresters - Advisory Services
Croatia 2017-09-15 Information and notifications related to SUD areas - Member State SUD Homepage
Croatia 2017-09-15 Reports on the implementation of the national monitoring program of pesticide residues - Information and Awareness Raising
Croatia 2017-09-15 Croatian State Administration for Protection and Rescue - Information and Awareness Raising
Croatia 2017-09-15 Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health - Poison Control Centre - Information and Awareness Raising
Croatia 2017-09-15 Croatian Institute for Toxicology and Antidoping - Information and Awareness Raising
Hungary 2022-11-14 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Hungary 2022-11-14 - Member State SUD Homepage
Hungary 2022-10-19 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Hungary 2021-09-02 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Hungary 2021-07-15 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Hungary 2020-08-29 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Hungary 2020-08-29 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Hungary 2019-12-02 - National Action Plans
Hungary 2019-12-02 - National Action Plans
Hungary 2019-09-24 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Hungary 2017-09-18 National Food Chain Safety Office - Directorate of Plant Protection and Soil Conservation - CA Contact Points
Ireland 2019-09-18 HRI1 and HRI 2 for the years 2011 - 2022 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Ireland 2017-09-14 - Pesticide Application Management
Ireland 2017-09-14 - National Laws on SUD
Ireland 2017-09-14 - National Action Plans
Ireland 2017-09-14 - Training and Certification of Operators
Ireland 2017-09-14 - Integrated Pest Management
Ireland 2017-09-14 - CA Contact Points
Ireland 2017-09-14 - Member State SUD Homepage
Italy 2020-08-28 Indicatori di rischio armonizzato (HRI) - Harmonised Risk Indicators/Member State SUD Homepage
Italy 2020-05-20 Italian Harmonised Risk Indicators 2019 - Harmonised Risk Indicators/Member State SUD Homepage/National Action Plans
Italy 2017-10-12 The NAP section is included in the portal of the National Rural Network (RRN) which is part of the program under Regulation EU 1305/13, supporting the implementation of Regional Development Plans (CAP 2014-2020). - Member State SUD Homepage/National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD/Updates of NAPs
Lithuania 2022-06-29 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Lithuania 2021-08-30 Harmonised Risk Indicators - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Lithuania 2020-08-27 Harmonised Risk Indicators - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Lithuania 2019-09-19 PPP application equipment - National Laws on SUD/Pesticide Application Management
Lithuania 2019-09-19 - National Action Plans
Lithuania 2017-11-21 Advisory service - Advisory Services
Lithuania 2017-11-21 Information about training of operators, distributors of PPP and advisers - Training and Certification of Operators
Lithuania 2017-11-21 PPP samples - National Laws on SUD
Lithuania 2017-11-21 Aerial spraying - National Laws on SUD
Lithuania 2017-11-21 Plant protection law - National Laws on SUD
Luxembourg 2019-10-30 National statistics on agricultural plant protection products use - Information and Awareness Raising/National Indicators
Luxembourg 2019-10-30 Pest forecast models and pest monitoring - Integrated Pest Management
Luxembourg 2019-10-30 - Training and Certification of Operators
Luxembourg 2019-10-30 Information on inspection of plant protection product application equipment - Pesticide Application Management
Luxembourg 2019-10-30 National action plan on plant protection products, adopted in 2017 - National Action Plans
Luxembourg 2019-10-30 Generic information on plant protections products and CA contact details - CA Contact Points
Luxembourg 2019-09-10 publication of harmonised risk indicators 1 and 2 on the portal of agriculture - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Luxembourg 2017-09-19 - National Laws on SUD
Latvia 2022-02-21 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Latvia 2020-05-20 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Latvia 2017-09-15 Latvian Administrative Violations Code - National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD
Latvia 2017-09-15 Integrated production - Integrated Pest Management/National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD
Latvia 2017-09-15 Protection and Use of Specially Protected Nature Territories - National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD
Latvia 2017-09-15 Protection of microserves and their buffer zones - National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD
Latvia 2017-09-15 The using of Plant Protection Products - Information and Awareness Raising/National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD
Latvia 2017-09-15 Plant protection product application equipment - National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD/Pesticide Application Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Acute poisoning cases - National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD
Latvia 2017-09-15 Placing of Plant Protection Products on the Market - National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD
Latvia 2017-09-15 Training of Professional Users of Plant Protection Products - National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD/Training and Certification of Operators
Latvia 2017-09-15 Protection Zone Law - National Laws on SUD
Latvia 2017-09-15 Chemical Substances Law - National Laws on SUD
Latvia 2017-09-15 Water Management Law - National Laws on SUD
Latvia 2017-09-15 Plant Protection Law - National Laws on SUD
Latvia 2017-09-15 Brochure IPM 2015 - Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Register of plant protection products registered in Latvia - Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Plant protection products for amateur using (3. class) - Information and Awareness Raising
Latvia 2017-09-15 Database of PPP - Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Database of harmful organisms - Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Template of field history - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Register of integrated growers - Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management/National Action Plans
Latvia 2017-09-15 Information about system of control of application equipments - National Action Plans/Pesticide Application Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Distribution of PPP - Information and Awareness Raising
Latvia 2017-09-15 Registration of PPP - Information and Awareness Raising
Latvia 2017-09-15 List of training bodies - Training and Certification of Operators
Latvia 2017-09-15 Calendar of training – date, place, time - Training and Certification of Operators
Latvia 2017-09-15 Information about training of advisers - Training and Certification of Operators
Latvia 2017-09-15 Information about training of distributors of PPP - Training and Certification of Operators
Latvia 2017-09-15 Information about training of operators - Training and Certification of Operators
Latvia 2017-09-15 Information about training of professional user of first class - Training and Certification of Operators
Latvia 2017-09-15 Information about training of professional user of second class - Training and Certification of Operators
Latvia 2017-09-15 Brochure IPM 2016 - Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages - raspberries - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages - sea buckthorn - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages – apples, pears - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages – blueberries, cranberries - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages – plums, cherries - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages - currants - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages - gooseberries - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages - raspberries - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages – onions, leeks - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages - beens - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages - potatoes - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages - cucumbers - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages – cabbages, cauliflower - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages - beets - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages – carrots, turnips, celery - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages - linen - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages – oilseed rape - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages - maize - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages - buckwheat - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Grow stages - cereals - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Crop specific guidelines of integrated growing - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Presentations of Integrated Pest Management and harmful organisms - Integrated Pest Management
Latvia 2017-09-15 Leaflets, booklets - Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management/National Action Plans
Latvia 2017-09-15 Monitoring of harmful organisms - Integrated Pest Management/National Action Plans
Latvia 2017-09-15 SUD homepage - Member State SUD Homepage
Malta 2023-08-09 Sustainable Use of Pesticides - Harmonised Risk Indicators/Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management/Member State SUD Homepage/National Action Plans/Pesticide Application Management/Training and Certification of Operators
Malta 2021-08-30 HRIs for MT covering the reporting period 2011-2019 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Malta 2020-09-09 The calculation and evaluation of HRIs for Malta using statistical data collected in accordance with the Community Legislation concerning the statistics on PPPs covering the period 2011-2018, in-line with the provisions of the SUD. - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Malta 2020-06-10 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Netherlands 2023-08-08 Updated Dutch National Action Plan on the sustainable use of plant protection products 2022-2025 - Updates of NAPs
Netherlands 2023-08-08 Implementation Programme for the Vision for the Future of Plant Protection 2030 - National Targets
Netherlands 2022-09-26 Updated NAP 2022-2025 - National Action Plans
Netherlands 2022-09-26 National Indicators F2F - National Indicators
Netherlands 2022-09-26 HRI 2020 and earlier - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Netherlands 2021-08-16 The graphs of HRI 1 and 2 of The Netherlands (and some additional graphs) and a interpretation of the trends have been published on the website of Central Government/Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Safety. - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Netherlands 2019-11-15 This webpage provides the sales data of professional crop protection products (by active substance) in the Netherlands. - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Netherlands 2018-03-02 This webpage contains a link to a website about weed management without pesticides for private individuals and professionals outside the agricultural business. The website is an idea of the ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. - Advisory Services
Netherlands 2018-02-26 This website provides information about the pesticide exposure research residents conducted in the Netherlands. The website is created by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. - National Indicators/National Targets/Progress Reports
Netherlands 2018-02-26 This webpage gives information about possible emission routes of pesticides to surface water and the national regulation on this topic. The webpage is created by an executive agency of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management - Information and Awareness Raising/National Laws on SUD
Netherlands 2018-02-26 The webpage gives information about wastewater management when growing crops. The webpage is created by an executive agency of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management - Advisory Services/Information and Awareness Raising
Netherlands 2018-02-26 Webpage about the regulation and measurements on drift reducing spraying techniques. The webpage is created by the executive agency of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. - National Laws on SUD/Pesticide Application Management
Netherlands 2018-02-26 Link to a webpage of the NVWA in which a integrated pest management approach against rodents is described - Integrated Pest Management
Netherlands 2018-02-26 The NVWA (Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority) is one of the competent authorities on sustainable use - CA Contact Points
Netherlands 2018-02-26 Webpage of the dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality in which sustainable use activities in the Netherlands are given with links to relevant sustainable use topics. - Member State SUD Homepage
Netherlands 2018-02-26 Publication of the Netherlands Environmental assessment agency in which the note sustainable use is evaluated - Reviews/Updates of NAPs
Netherlands 2018-02-26 In annex III of this resolution, the rules of the crop protection monitor are given. The crop protection monitor is based upon the General principles of integrated pest management, annex III of directive 2009 128 EC - National Laws on SUD
Netherlands 2018-02-26 The webpage shows the results of pesticide meusurements in the surface water in the Netherlands. The webpage is developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. - National Indicators
Netherlands 2017-10-24 On this webpage the first cabinet's note sustainable crop protection of the period 2004-2010 is evaluated. The link on the webpage leads to the progress report. - Progress Reports
Netherlands 2017-10-24 The webpage provides a link to a document with the sustainable crop protection targets of the Dutch cabinet for the period 2013-2023 - National Targets
Netherlands 2017-10-24 On this website a link is given to the Dutch National Action Plan sustainable crop protection. The information is only given in the Dutch language. - National Action Plans
Netherlands 2017-10-24 Informative website about research on exposure of residents to pesticides - Information and Awareness Raising
Netherlands 2017-10-24 This is the homepage for certification of crop protection operators. For English information go to "informatie" -> "documenten". A webpage with a list of links appear. Choose "Brochure engels". - Training and Certification of Operators
Netherlands 2017-09-28 - Training and Certification of Operators
Netherlands 2017-09-11 The Dutch organisation which controls the authorizations of PPP's and biocides in the Netherlands. The site provides all information on the authorized use of PPP's and biocides, presented in a database. - National Indicators
Netherlands 2017-09-11 Dutch Sales volume of Plant Protection Products per year (in a.s. x 1000 kg) 1st row: fungicides 2nd row: ground desinfection products 3rd row: herbicides / desiccants 4th row: insecticides / acaricides 5th row: others 6th row: total - National Indicators
Netherlands 2017-09-11 - National Indicators
Poland 2020-02-11 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Poland 2018-09-26 First NAP and annual reports as well as a link to the second Polish NAP 2018-2022 (at the bottom). - National Action Plans/Reviews/Updates of NAPs
Poland 2017-09-14 Pest signaling platform is a website dedicated to IPM. It was established by the Institute of Plant Protection to support implementation of IPM in Poland. The project is financed by the Polish government. - Advisory Services/Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management/Member State SUD Homepage/National Action Plans/Pesticide Application Management/Reviews/Updates of NAPs
Portugal 2024-12-19 National Action Plan on the Sustainable Use of Plant protection Products - National Action Plans
Portugal 2019-11-27 Portuguese Harmonised Risk Indicators - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Portugal 2017-09-21 - Pesticide Application Management
Portugal 2017-09-21 - Pesticide Application Management
Portugal 2017-09-21 National Advisory Service Webpage - Advisory Services
Portugal 2017-09-21 - Training and Certification of Operators
Portugal 2017-09-21 - National Action Plans/National Indicators/National Laws on SUD/National Targets/Progress Reports/Updates of NAPs
Portugal 2017-09-21 - Integrated Pest Management
Romania 2021-06-09 Harmonised Risk Indicators - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Romania 2020-09-15 - National Action Plans
Romania 2020-07-27 - National Laws on SUD
Romania 2020-05-25 Harmonised Risk Indicators 1 + 2, period 2011 - 2018 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Romania 2019-11-20 National legislation + European legislation on the SUD - Member State SUD Homepage
Romania 2019-11-20 RO HRI1, 2011-2017 RO HRI2, 2011-2017 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Romania 2019-11-20 Decision No 135 of 12 March 2019 approving the National Action Plan on reducing risks associated with the use of plant protection products - Updates of NAPs
Sweden 2024-12-09 The national action plan for the period 2013-2017. - National Action Plans
Sweden 2024-12-09 The national action plan for the time period 2023-2027. It was decided in March 2023. - National Action Plans
Sweden 2017-09-25 One of the National authorities involvedin the implementation of SUD - CA Contact Points/Information and Awareness Raising/National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD
Sweden 2017-09-25 main page for how to use PPP with links to Training and Certification of Operators and Inspection of Pesticide application Equipment. - Information and Awareness Raising/Pesticide Application Management/Training and Certification of Operators
Sweden 2020-08-31 A description and publication of Swedish harmonised risk indicators. - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Sweden 2017-09-25 main page for plant protection with focus on IPM and with further links to IPM related subjects - Information and Awareness Raising
- Integrated Pest Management
Sweden 2017-09-25 One of the National authorities involvedin the implementation of the SUD - CA Contact Points/Information and Awareness Raising/National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD
Sweden 2017-09-25 One of the National authorities involvedin the implementation of the SUD - CA Contact Points/Information and Awareness Raising/National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD
Sweden 2017-09-25 One of the National authorities involvedin the implementation of SUD - CA Contact Points/Information and Awareness Raising/National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD
Sweden 2017-09-25 One of the National authority involved in the implementation of SUD - CA Contact Points/Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management/National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD/Pesticide Application Management
Sweden 2017-09-25 One of the National authority involved in the implementation of SUD - CA Contact Points/Information and Awareness Raising/National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD
Sweden 2017-09-25 One of the National authority involved in the implementation of SUD - CA Contact Points/National Action Plans/National Laws on SUD
Sweden 2017-09-25 One Advisory Service about IPM and plant protection use - Advisory Services/Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management
Slovenia 2020-01-22 - CA Contact Points/Member State SUD Homepage
Slovenia 2020-01-22 Risk indicators - Harmonised Risk Indicators/National Indicators
Slovenia 2020-01-22 The page describes all areas in SUD, including training, application equipment, IPM and sale of PPPs - Information and Awareness Raising/Integrated Pest Management/Pesticide Application Management/Templates: Certificates of Competence (Professional Users/Distributors/Advisors)/Training and Certification of Operators
Slovenia 2020-01-22 Here the National action plan is described in English language - National Action Plans/Progress Reports/Updates of NAPs
Slovenia 2020-01-22 Here the NAPs and Progres reports are uploaded in Slovenian language - National Action Plans/Progress Reports/Updates of NAPs
Slovenia 2018-02-27 National webpages for IPM - Integrated Pest Management
Slovenia 2017-11-02 Forecasting and warning service - Advisory Services
Slovakia 2021-03-03 - National Action Plans
Slovakia 2019-12-02 Integrated Pest Management - Integrated Pest Management
Slovakia 2019-12-02 Training and Certification of Operators - Training and Certification of Operators
Slovakia 2019-09-16 - Harmonised Risk Indicators
Slovakia 2017-09-20 - Member State SUD Homepage

Manage SUD (restricted)