It concerns the many ways of supporting capacities, like technical cooperation, working with non-state actors, promoting multi-stakeholder processes and knowledge sharing. 

Shot of a group of young business people using a laptop together during a meeting in a modern office.

    The content of this guide is based on consolidated instructional design models and learning theories and incorporates more than 15 years of experience of the FA0 elearning Academy, including work practices, standards and quality criteria adopted for the delivery of learning programmes and self-paced e-learning courses in development contexts.

    Year of publication: 2021

    Place of publication: Rome, Italy

    Pages: #180 p.

    Author: FAO

    Publisher: FAO

      This series aims at bringing a moment of cultural empowerment through stories and conversations with guests from around the world. They share their insights and experiences with multiculturalism from their personal and professional lives.

      Duration: 6 h 15 min

        In this podcast Paola TREVISAN (DG INTPA - UNIT A4) explains with passion and enthusiasm the role of Gender Focal Points. She shares personal stories and anecdotes and explains the purpose of our policy framework, the Gender Action Plan III.

        This first chapter is part of our internal Gender Equality campaign and the #INTPAWeWant initiative.

        Duration: 12 min

        This series of podcasts is restricted to EC staff in HQ and Delegation.

          Tune in and discover the challenges and opportunities of embracing the gender responsive leadership agenda in INTPA. Both Leslie and Lena are part of the team who co-designed and ran the Gender Responsive Leadership pilot training programme at the European Commission last year.

          This second chapter is part of our internal Gender Equality campaign and the #INTPAWeWant initiative.

          Duration: 32 min

          This series of podcasts is restricted to EC staff in HQ and Delegations.

            Tune in to understand the role of INTPA in the Summit, hear how the preparations went and find out if the interest in a “strategic partnership” between the two regions persists.

            'INTPA inside out' is produced by the Internal Comm team under the #INTPAWeWant initiative. It features in-depth interviews with key colleagues on INTPA's hot topics.

            Duration: 19 min

            This series of podcasts is restricted to EC staff in HQ and Delegations.

              Tune in to understand the role of Heads of Cooperation (HoC). Our guests, Isabel Candela and Laurent Sillano, previously HoC in Nicaragua and Democratic Republic of Congo, share their experience.

              'INTPA inside out' is produced by the Internal Comm team under the #INTPAWeWant initiative. It features in-depth interviews with key colleagues on INTPA's hot topics.

              Duration: 28 min

              This series of podcasts is restricted to EC staff in HQ and Delegations.

                The Annual Meeting is an occasion to get together, attend interactive and lively debates, discuss and update the network partners on the state of play in development-related activities. The topic of the 2024 Annual Meeting is the interaction between AI and learning development.

                Date: 2nd,3rd,4th of October 2024