Through this course, you will improve your understanding of the multisectoral causes of malnutrition, and gain new facilitation skills for successful participatory workshops.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Also available in: Français
This eLearning course will guide you through the steps required to design of a nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food system programme. By the end of the course, you will be aware of key issues to consider at each step and be equipped with tools to address them.
Duration: 4h 30min
The e-learning course, ‘Engaging the Private Sector
for Nutrition’ has been developed under the Capacity for Nutrition (C4N)
project funded by the EU and BMZ. The course covers the importance of and
opportunities for private sector in nutrition, insights into setting up and
operating a SUN Business Network (SBN), and guidance on managing conflicts of
interests related to business and nutrition. Designed for SUN Focal Points and
other stakeholders, it equips learners with the knowledge and tools needed to
effectively leverage the private sector, via national SBN platforms, to address
malnutrition and improve access to healthy diets.
This webinar aims to provide participants with practical advice on how to integrate nutrition into educational programmes. It will increase understanding around the linkages between the two sectors and how they can reinforce each other. The webinar is complemented by the Quick Tip on Education and Nutrition (available at Education and Nutrition | Capacity4dev (
Duration: 1 h 30 min
This course aims to develop capacities for designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating nutrition-sensitive food and agriculture policies, strategies, plans and programmes. It will guide you through the steps of a nutrition situation analysis.
Duration: 3 h
This eLearning course illustrates the linkages between agriculture, food systems, and nutrition, and describes existing opportunities for integrating nutrition into food system policies, investments, and programmes.
Duration: 3 hours
The Nutrition webinars series aim at developing internal capacities in EUDs to mainstream nutrition across different sector programmes as well as to raise awareness about good country practices.
Duration: 1 h 30 min
This course has been designed to explain how to use the Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDD-W) indicator, with a view to contributing to improved diets among nutritionally vulnerable women of reproductive age.
Duration: 2 hours
This webinar aims to provide participants with practical advice on how to integrate nutrition in healthcare systems / UHC and to provide practical examples from EU funded programmes. The webinar is complemented by the Quick Tip on Health and Nutrition (available at Health and nutrition | Capacity4dev (
Duration: 1 h 30 min
Investing in nutrition provides one of the best returns in global development and enables socioeconomic growth. The webinar will highlight nutrition as both a ‘marker’ and ‘maker’ of development and introduce rapidly evolving perspectives on nutrition. It will also present the achievements and progress of the European Commission with regards to its commitment to addressing malnutrition and present case studies and practical examples of EU programmes that contribute to healthy diets and improved nutrition outcomes.
Duration: 1 h 30 min