This is the sixth webinar of a series called Integrating employment goals into DG INTPA policies and programmes. Policy response and practical tools in promoting employment and decent work measures while recovering or preventing crises and building peace and resilience are the substance of the ILO's Flagship Programme "Jobs for Peace and Resilience" and an important element of the EU development policy. ILO and DG INTPA colleagues will share their experience and knowledge on how to embed job creation to humanitarian aid in fragile contexts.
Duration: 2 h
The objective of this webinar is to provide participants with an understanding of the phenomenon of the Informal Economy by defining key concepts and issues, illustrating trends, challenges and characteristics of employment in the informal economy, as well as the contribution of these activities to GDP in various regions of the world
Duration: 1 h 6 min
Private sector involvement in VET is an essential ingredient in a VET system. The willingness of a government to share responsibility in all aspects of the VET system development is a pre-condition for the involvement of the private sector. However, VET is not the private sector’s core business; their involvement must be responsive to their needs and operations, be planned and efficiently organized.
Duration: 15 min
The objective of the webinar was to present good practices and lessons learned extracted from projects with a strong focus on the Informal Economy implemented under the EU-funded Thematic Programme “Investing in People”.
Duration: 1 h 20 min
This is the fifth webinar of a series called Integrating employment goals into DG INTPA policies and programmes. This session seeks to strengthen participants’ capacities to support a just transition to environmentally sustainable economies and societies, linking three topics: Green jobs, Just transition and Social justice.
Duration: 2 h
The objective of this webinar is to present experiences and ideas from researchers and practitioners on how to extend social protection mechanisms to people depending on the Informal Economy.
Duration: 1 h 7 min
The objective of this webinar is to present major orientations of policies designed to tackle (support or eliminate) the informal economy, with special reference to the key actors in the field.
Duration: 1 h 30 min
Organizing informal workers is at the core of the actions and policies designed to enhancing the livelihoods of populations dependent on the informal economy. The objective of this webinar is to introduce participants to different approaches towards organizing informal workers in view of improving their living and working conditions in several areas, such as extending social protection, strengthening their bargaining power in value chains, gaining visibility and voice, having rights recognized.
Duration: 1 h 10 min
This is the third webinar of a series called Integrating employment goals into DG INTPA policies and programmes. This webinar aims to present how a systemic ‘value chain development approach’ works in practice, what impact can be expected and how it can be complemented with other interventions to promote decent work and job creation.
Duration: 2 h
The overall objective of these manuals is to enhance Commission staff's ability to diagnose a country's employment challenges, engage in technical dialogue with counterparts, and promote employment and decent work as part of the EU’s international development efforts.
The adequate implementation of the Proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and the Communication on Decent Work Worldwide for a global just transition and a sustainable recovery, and their expected impact, require that the EU staff in the EU Delegations all over the world have relevant knowledge and understanding of those documents. The webinar will be to occasion to present the potential accompanying measures and to engage a discussion on them between INTPA HQ and EU Delegations’ staff.
Duration: 1 h 30 min
This webinar is destined to EU staff in HQ and delegations.
QUALITY IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING (VET) is about VET being fit for purpose, and being governed, delivered, assessed and funded accordingly. The best way to foster Quality in VET is to set standards that need to be followed.
Duration: 14 min