This topic covers a wide range of issues related to the EU commitment to protect and promote health as a human right for all in the frame of the EC external cooperation. Support to the building of competent health systems, accessibility to basic health services, equity and solidarity values are just some of the principles guiding this cooperation. Maternal and child mortality, the crisis of human resources in the health sector, poverty related diseases and other issues may be addressed under this topic. 

Unrecognizable health visitor and a senior man during home visit. A nurce holding hands of a man.

    This webinar held on 10 April 2024 is one of a series of thematic conversations tailored to inform and support EU Delegation and programme staff on thematic issues highly relevant to their work on health, inequalities, and social protection.

    Duration: 1h 30min

    This webinar is destined to EU staff in HQ and delegations.

      This thematic conversation for EU staff challenges the assumption that low- and middle-income countries cannot afford universal social protection (USP) and sets out the approaches and country evidence which show how USP can be feasible.

      Duration: 1h 30min

      This webinar is destined to EU staff in HQ and delegations.

        This thematic conversation for EU staff presents the Digital Convergence Initiative which DG INTPA’s new global thematic programme on digital social protection is to support.

        Duration: 1h 15min

        This webinar is destined to EU staff in HQ and delegations.

          This thematic conversation examines the linkage between humanitarian assistance and social protection in crisis-affected countries. It shares experiences and best practices in designing and implementing social protection programs that respond to humanitarian needs.

          Duration: 1h 3min

          This webinar is destined to EU staff in HQ and delegations.

            This thematic conversation for EU staff explores the critical intersection between social protection and climate change. The presentation highlights innovative approaches and lessons learned from various sectors to demonstrate how social protection mechanisms can address climate-related challenges and support inclusive climate action.

            Duration: 1h 2min

            This webinar is destined to EU staff in HQ and delegations.

              This pre-seminar session introduced participants to the EU’s approach to Social Protection, focusing on how these systems contribute to poverty reduction, equitable access to services, and  the promotion of inclusive social policies. 

              Duration: 2h

              This webinar is destined to EU staff in HQ and delegations.

                The objective of this reference document is to support the ongoing effort of the European Union (EU) to strengthen its approach to development cooperation to address inequalities in its partner countries. While recognising the importance of all forms of inequality, the document will focus primarily on income inequality, effective policy responses and how to address inequality in development cooperation.

                Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2022

                  The objective of this reference document is to support the ongoing effort of the European Union (EU) to strengthen its approach to development cooperation to address inequalities in its partner countries. While recognising the importance of all forms of inequality, the document will focus primarily on income inequality, effective policy responses and how to address inequality in development cooperation.

                  Tools and Methods Series

                  Reference Document No 29

                  September 2021

                  Also available in French

                    This 5-minute video in English, presents an overview of the income inequalities guide and ways to address inequality through development cooperation.

                    Duration: 5 min

                      In the current programming context, Universal Health Coverage (UHC) links with all priorities of the new Commission, and is key to accomplish our mandate of eradicating poverty and fighting inequalities. This webinar aims to introduce the UHC concept, delineate its key dimensions and importance, discuss progress and challenges to date on advancing UHC and illustrate what UHC programming is about and looks like.

                      Duration: 1 h 30 min

                        Building on EDCTP2, the Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking will address the lack of appropriate diagnostics, treatments and vaccines, to address infectious diseases, such as HIV, malaria and tuberculosis, but also other poverty related and neglected infectious diseases, that are prevalent in Africa, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. During the webinar the achievements of the current partnership will be presented. Particular emphasis will be put on the future Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking, including the benefits for countries participating in the future partnership.

                        Duration: 1 h 30 min

                          The objective of the webinar is to provide an overview of the opportunities and challenges to digitalization and civil registries in EU Delegation (EUD) partner countries and to provide practical options for integrating civil registration systems in other EU programmatic areas.

                          Duration: 1 h 30 min