The European Energy Communities Facility (ENERCOM Facility) will devote at least 7 million euros to provide direct support to emerging energy communities across Europe mostly in the form of lump sum grants. Thanks for the ENERCOM Facility at least 140 emerging initiatives will develop and implement business plans to trigger investments in sustainable energy. ENERCOM Facility will further support energy communities in the development of their business models through trainings and related capacity building material, paving the way for replicable business models with long-term sustainability. To maximise the outreach and impacts of the ENERCOM Facility and to ensure effectiveness of its actions, it will build on a European network of national experts who will create a bridge between the EU-level and grassroot initiatives. The national experts' network will be called upon to amplify messages to their respective networks of energy communities and provide first line support throughout the support programme. The ENERCOM Facility will capitalise on the success and the legacy of the Energy Communities Repository, the Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub and the European City Facility.