24-12-25 21:46 已编辑
#庆祝澳门特别行政区成立25周年烟花表演# #澳门# A spectacular fireworks display illuminates the sky above the Sai Van Bridge in Macao tonight, presented by the Macao Government Tourism Office to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR). In addition to the 15-minute show, an 84-night light show, which started Dec. 20, is being staged throughout the SAR.
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  • 3 公司 深圳报业集团
  • Ü 简介: 大陆首份地方性英文日报,创刊于1997年7月1日。立足深圳本土,关注天下大事,倾力打造原创双语视频。热线:...
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