【中国近距离|和合共进】老挝学生来中国学技术,中国村民组团出境去旅游……中老铁路的开通为两国边境居民的生活带来许多新变化。一条铁路如何连接起两个国家,拉近两国人民的距离?在遥远的非洲大陆,蒙内铁路承载着希望,承载着一代青年乃至一个国家的梦想,向未来与远方延伸。铁路连接起不同地域,也成为经济发展和文化交流的桥梁。今天,我们将讲述两个大洲几位年轻人的铁路故事。The China-Laos Railway and Kenya's Mombasa-Nairobi Railway are two iconic Belt and Road Initiative projects. For those living along these routes, a railroad line is more than just basic infrastructure – it provides more opportunities, connects communities and opens new horizons. In this episode, we share stories of young people along these projects whose lives have been transformed for the better.