Over the past few years, the security situation at the W-Arly-Pendjari Complex has become a major concern as several armed groups have been operating in the region, causing the evacuation of management staff in some components of the property and leading to an increase in illegal activities (poaching, transhumance, gold panning). In addition to the security situation, the W-Arly-Pendjari Complex is also threatened by growing demographic pressure around the property and climate change.
The urgency of the situation calls for a concerted and rapid response from all key stakeholders to ensure the lives of surveillance staff and integrity of the property.
Support the preparation of national and regional consultations for the implementation of emergency plans.
Strengthen monitoring systems using information from satellite collars.
The States Parties of Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger and UNESCO in close cooperation with organisations supporting the conservation of the protected areas included in the property (African Parks, GIZ, IUCN, WAC)
This project is made possible thanks to the financial support of the Norwegian government.
The World Heritage Committee,