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World Heritage Convention

0 Decisions
13 Resolutions
Session: 14GA 2003close
By Year
The General Assembly, 1. Elected H.E. Mr Ahmad Jalali (Islamic Republic of Iran) as Chairperson of the 14th General Assembly, 2. Elected Ms Alissandra Cummins (Barbados) as Rapporteur of the 14th General Assembly, 3. Elected France, Nigeria, and Uganda as Vice-Chairpersons of the 14th General Assembly.
The General Assembly, 1. Decides to amend Rule 2.1 of its Rules of Procedure to read: 2.1 The representatives of Member States of UNESCO not parties to the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural heritage and permanent observer missions to UNESCO may participate in the work of the Assembly as observers, without the right to vote, and subject to Rule 7.3.
The General Assembly, 1. Decides to amend Rule 10.1 of its Rules of Procedure to read: 10.1 The working languages of the Assembly shall be Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
The General Assembly, 1. Taking into consideration the decision of the 27th session of the World Heritage Committee on the new voting mechanism and revision of the procedures for election of the members of the World Heritage Committee (decision 27 COM 18A.4), 2. Decides not to amend Rule 13 of its Rules of Procedure on the election of members of the World Heritage Committee.
The General Assembly, 1. Noting the decision of the 27th session of the World Heritage Committee on procedures for the presentation of candidatures to the World Heritage Committee (decision 27 COM 18A.2), 2. Decides to include the following text as new Rule 13 - Procedures for the presentation of candidatures to the World Heritage Committee[1] : 13.1 The Secretariat shall ask all States Parties, at least three months prior to the opening of the General Assembly, whether they intend to stand for election to the World Heritage Committee. If so, its candidature should be sent to the ...
The General Assembly, 1. Having examined the financial situation of the World Heritage Fund and the contribution of UNESCO to the activities of the World Heritage Centre as planned in the 32 C/5, 2. Recognizing the need to increase the financial resources from the UNESCO Regular Budget for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, 3. Recalling Decision 27 COM 11 of the World Heritage Committee at its 27th session (Paris, 2003), 4. Recalling its wish that the 32nd General Conference allocate an additional US$ 1 million for activities directed at the implementation of the World ...
The General Assembly, 1. Having examined the accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period ending 31 December 2001 (see Section I of document WHC-03/14.GA/INF.6) in conformity with the Financial Regulations of the World Heritage Fund that stipulate that the accounts of the Fund shall be submitted to the General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention (Article 6, paragraph 6.4), 2. Approves the accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period ending 31 December 2001; 3. Takes note of the accounts of the World Heritage Fund for 2002, approved by the ...
The General Assembly, 1. Recalling Decision 27 COM 11.3 of the World Heritage Committee which urges States Parties in arrears to pay their overdue contributions to the World Heritage Fund and invites the Director-General to report to it on this matter, 2. Takes note of document WHC-03/14.GA/INF.7 Rev. on the Statement of compulsory and voluntary contributions to the World Heritage Fund.
The General Assembly, 1. Decides to set at 1% the percentage for the calculation of the amount of the contributions to be paid to the World Heritage Fund by States Parties for the financial period 2004-2005; 2. Invites the Director-General to encourage States Parties to supplement their contributions to the World Heritage Fund with voluntary donations.
The General Assembly, Recalling Decision 27 COM 11.3 of the World Heritage Committee which urges States Parties in arrears to pay their overdue contributions to the World Heritage Fund and invites the Director-General to report to it on this matter, Takes note of document WHC-03/14.GA/INF.7 Rev. on the Statement of compulsory and voluntary contributions to the World Heritage Fund.
The General Assembly, Welcomes the adoption by the 26th session of the World Heritage Committee of new Strategic Objectives that include the strengthening of the Credibility of the World Heritage List and the development of effective Capacity-building measures; Notes the progress report on the implementation of the Global Strategy for a credible, representative and balanced World Heritage List presented in documents WHC-03/14.GA/8 and WHC-03/27.COM/13; Also notes that the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee (Suzhou, China, June-July 2004) will evaluate the 1994 Global ...
The General Assembly, Elects Kuwait (State Party without properties on the World Heritage List) as a member of the World Heritage Committee, Elects the following seven States Parties as members of the World Heritage Committee: Benin, Chile, Japan, Lithuania, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Norway.