The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Document WHC-12/36.COM/12C,
2. Recalling Decision 34 COM 12.III adopted at its 34th session (Brasilia, 2010) and Decision 35 COM 12.C at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011);
3. Welcomes the actions undertaken to improve the processes and practices prior to consideration by the World Heritage Committee of a nomination (the ‘upstream processes’) and commends the States Parties, the Advisory Bodies and the World Heritage Centre for the pilot projects in which progress was made;
4. Urges the States Parties concerned that have not yet done so, to fully collaborate providing technical and financial support to implement the required actions and encourages them to seek assistance from the World Heritage Fund, if necessary;
5. Calls upon the international community to provide technical and financial support to assist the States Parties concerned in the implementation of their pilot projects which were not able to identify adequate resources;
6. Requests the Advisory Bodies and the World Heritage Centre to report on the progress in implementing the pilot projects for consideration by the World Heritage Committee at its 37th session, in 2013.