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State of Conservation

Properties concerned
States Parties with SOC reports
States Parties: Greececlose
States Parties: Greece
Year: 2004
Document Source: WHC-04/28.COM/15B
Threats*: Housing Interpretative and visitation facilities
States Parties: Greece
Year: 2003
Document Source: WHC.03/27.COM/7B
Threats*: Housing
States Parties: Greece
Year: 2002
Document Source: WHC-02/CONF.202/17
Threats*: Housing
States Parties: Greece
Year: 2001
Document Source: WHC-01/CONF.208/10
Threats*: Housing
States Parties: Greece
Year: 1993
Document Source: WHC-93/CONF.001/3,WHC-93/CONF.002/5
Threats*: Human resources Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation Localised utilities
Other Threats: Need to strengthen the protection of the site
States Parties: Greece
Year: 1992
Document Source: CLT-92/CONF.003/2,WHC-92/CONF.002/5
Threats*: Human resources Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation
Other Threats: Need to strengthen the protection of the site
States Parties: Greece
Year: 1994
Document Source: WHC-94/CONF.001/10
Threats*: Erosion and siltation/ deposition Human resources Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals Relative humidity Wind
States Parties: Greece
Year: 1992
Document Source: CLT-92/CONF.003/2,WHC-92/CONF.002/5
Threats*: Erosion and siltation/ deposition Human resources
Other Threats: Adverse meteorological conditions
States Parties: Greece
Year: 1995
Document Source: WHC-95/CONF.201/4
Threats*: Legal framework
Other Threats: Need for safeguarding and enhancement measures
States Parties: Greece
Year: 1994
Document Source: WHC-94/CONF.003/6,WHC-94/CONF.003/6 Add.
Threats*: Legal framework
Other Threats: Need for safeguarding and enhancement measures
States Parties: Greece
Year: 2012
Document Source: WHC-12/36.COM/7B.Add
Threats*: Earthquake Forestry /wood production Management systems/ management plan
Other Threats: Fire
States Parties: Greece
Year: 2010
Document Source: WHC-10/34.COM/7B
Threats*: Forestry /wood production Management systems/ management plan
Other Threats: Fire
States Parties: Greece
Year: 2008
Document Source: WHC-08/32.COM/7B
Threats*: Earthquake Forestry /wood production Ground transport infrastructure Management systems/ management plan
Other Threats: Fire
States Parties: Greece
Year: 2006
Document Source: WHC-06/30.COM/7B
Threats*: Forestry /wood production Ground transport infrastructure Management systems/ management plan
Other Threats: Fire
States Parties: Greece
Year: 2005
Document Source: WHC-05/29.COM/7B.Rev
Threats*: Management systems/ management plan
Other Threats: Fire
States Parties: Greece
Year: 2004
Document Source: WHC-04/28.COM/15B
Threats*: Management systems/ management plan
Other Threats: Fire
States Parties: Greece
Year: 1994
Document Source: WHC-94/CONF.001/3B Add.1
Threats*: Forestry /wood production Ground transport infrastructure Livestock farming / grazing of domesticated animals Management systems/ management plan Water infrastructure
Other Threats: chemical pollution
States Parties: Greece
Year: 1992
Document Source: WHC-92/CONF.002/5
Threats*: Fire (widlfires)
States Parties: Greece
Year: 1994
Document Source: WHC-94/CONF.001/10
Threats*: Air transport infrastructure Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure Ground transport infrastructure Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure
States Parties: Greece
Year: 1993
Document Source: WHC-93/CONF.001/3,WHC-93/CONF.002/5
Threats*: Ground transport infrastructure

* : The threats indicated are listed in alphabetical order; their order does not constitute a classification according to the importance of their impact on the property.
Furthermore, they are presented irrespective of the type of threat faced by the property, i.e. with specific and proven imminent danger (“ascertained danger”) or with threats which could have deleterious effects on the property’s Outstanding Universal Value (“potential danger”).

** : All mission reports are not always available electronically.
